you first enter the town from the east you should immediately make
a lap around the outside of the town, since this is where you'll find
most of the Alien Beasts in this town. When you reach the
southeast corner check around for a couple items including an
Intelligence Charm.
The two rooms in the northwest corner of town both contain Alien Beasts, but other than that the rooms are pretty empty.
the center of the eastern edge of town is the inn. There's a
dresser in here, but when you get near it you'll trigger a Quickfire
trap. The quickfire starts at the edges of the town and then
spreads in towards the middle so be quick about getting out of
town. Remember, if you leave town and then come back the
quickfire will be gone, and you can't trigger the same trap
twice. The dresser contains a few items, including a Blessed
Small Shield.