are two ways to enter the Drake Cave. The first way is to be
teleported by Ernest if you steal his book. The other
entrance is through a secret passage just south of Golddale. When
in the Cave check each area for Rough Diamonds. They look exactly
like rocks, but are worth a great deal more.
from the perspective of being teleported in by Ernest, the first thing
you should do is head to the southwest corner of the Cave.
There's a few items down here, including an Assassins Band.
over to the southeast corner of the Cave now. There are a couple
Drakes and some Fire Lizards here. Once you've killed them all,
check out the far southeast corner of the room to pick up the Mass
Healing Spellshard as well as a few other items.
make your way up to the middle northern section of the Cave.
There's two more Drakes here, and once they're killed, check the
northwest corner of the room for a Mass Curing Spellshard.
Finally, make your way to the northeast corner of the cave to find the exit.