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1. Sandra from Avernum, tells you about the Bunker 14. Ehrenfeld, armorsmith
2. Ginny, tells you about Sloan losing her ring 15. Some of Ehrenfeld's wares in dresser, can be stolen if you close the door, ignore the warnings about magical traps
3. Sloan, tells you where he lost ring 16. Dresser in this room will poison you, but contains some ok items
4. Ginny's Ring 17. Spragins, identifies items and sells some new Mage spells
5. Grove, sells weapons and also augments them 18. Mayor Knight, gives quest to talk to King Vothkaro....eventually
6. Grassi, sells alchemical recipes 19. Secret passage, note that there are two high level traps in here, need a Tool Use of at least 29 to disarm them
7. Troglodytes will come through here when you enter the room 20. Chests with a decent amount of money
8. Xian Shrub 21. Supervisor Levin, Job Dispatcher when not engaged in extortion
9. Ellyn, provides healing and sells some new Priest spells 22. Commander Corrie, gives quest to sanctify Troglo Altar
10. Ballard, sells some pretty weak items 23. Kurt, sells tickets for boat to Farport
11. Starcap, provides training, gives quest to find Zang 24. Boat to Farport, Krizsan Province
12. Isaac, fletcher 25. Book teaches Dispel Barrier Lv.2, note that this is the only place in the game to learn Dispel Barrier, since the spell cannot be bought
13. Quinn the Innkeeper, buy some bourbon and then her rumor, it leads to the location of the Black Halberd