/cursor on number brings up description
/http: legend /http: map
![Monastery of Madness](../images/mommain.jpg) |
![Monastery of Madness](../images/momupper.jpg) |
/Monastery of Madness |
/Monastery Upper Level |
You must have learned the location of the Monastery of Madness from
Foxfire, who travels the towns around Midori Province, before you can
enter the Monastery.**
Upon first entering the Monastery of Madness go straight north into the courtyard. This will cause some Mad Monks to appear.
As you explore the Monastery be aware that there are Monks wandering
pretty much everywhere, so be prepared to bump into one at any time.
Check the ground after each battle, as one or more of the monks will
occasionally drop a Ring of Pure Focus. I also suggest reading all the
signs on the wall, since some of them are pretty funny.
The first room to the south in the eastern passage from the entry is a
Memorial room, with lots of statues. There's a secret passage directly
south of the southeastern statue in the room. You'll find a Mad Monk
out here.
The room just to the east of the statue room is a storage chamber of
sorts. Each of the chests contains a different monster, two of whom
drop items. The western chest contains an Elder Aranea which drops a
Shard of Release, the middle chest contains a Basilisk and the eastern
chest contains a Roiling Mass which drops an Assassin's Ring.
To the east of the storage room is one of the sleeping rooms for the Monastery, with a couple Mad Monks in it.
North of the sleeping room is the training hall, with more Mad Monks.
It's usually one of these who drops the Ring of Pure Focus.
West of the training hall, across the main hallway is the Rock Throwing Room.
Just north of the training room is the Dining Hall, with yet another
set of Mad Monks in it, and a pantry leading to the north where you can
pick up a little bit of food if you're running low.
West of the dining hall, again across the main hallway is the Firewalking Room.
North of the dining hall is another sleeping chamber, but this one has
a secret passage in the northeast corner of the room, which leads out
to a suit of Steel Chain Mail.
West of the sleeping chamber, across the main hallway is a storage room
guarded by a Basilisk. Kill the Basilisk and see if there's anything
you want from in here.
North of the storage room is a stairway leading upwards, which you want
to ignore for now, but this leads up to the upper level of the
West of the stairway is the Anvil Throwing Room. Take note of the rune in the northwest corner blocked by some anvils.
West of the anvil room is an altar. Performing the Ritual of
Sanctification here gives you some experience and causes the appearance
of more Mad Monks, some of whom are hostile, and some of whom are
friendly. Make sure you don't kill the friendly ones, as they'll aid
you by wandering the halls and occasionally killing Mad Monks they come
Slightly to the southwest of the altar, across the main hallway is
another storage room. One of the crates in here contains a Dexterity
Charm, and they all contain some food items.
Just west of the altar, on the same side of the hallway is a room with
what appears to be a pool of acid. Walk across the bridge for a little
West of the acid room is the other set of stairs leading to the upper level, but again, pass them by.
West of the stairs is another sleeping chamber, but for now, just pass
it by and go to the room just south of it on the same side of the hall.
This is my personal favorite of the testing rooms. Read the sign by the
door, then attempt to jump up the tree.
South of the tree room is a room where the Monks apparently punish themselves and/or meditate. There's more Mad Monks in here.
The next room to the south is one of the training halls for the monks. Yet again, there's a few Mad Monks in here.
Across the hall from the training hall is the room where the monks practice with javelins, but it's empty.
Now go back to the entrance and enter the room to the northwest of the
entryway. Read the bookshelves in here to learn some Gymnastics skill.
Just to the south of that room is a room with some books on a pedestal.
The titles are somewhat amusing, or disturbing, depending on your point
of view.
West of the book room is the last of the sleeping chambers on this floor, and it too is occupied.
In the southwest corner of the room is a secret passage, this time
leading to a rune on the ground. Step on the rune and then make your
way back to the anvil room where you'll find you can now reach the rune
in here. Step on it too, and then make your way to the northwest
corner, to the sleeping chamber I told you to pass by a couple minutes
ago. Kill the occupants and then check the northwest corner of the room
for another secret passage leading to a third rune. Step on this rune
and then make your way to the central courtyard. Walk out onto the dock
in the pool, and you'll receive a suit of Blessed Plate Mail.
Now head over to the stairs of your choice and make your way up. It
doesn't matter which stairs you choose, since they both lead to the
same room.
The upper level has lots and lots of Mad Monks running around, including some Masters, so be prepared for a few tough fights.
Immediately start making your way to the southeast corner of the map.
There's a cracked wall down here, which you need to use either Move
Mountains or a Stoneshatter Crystal on. Once the wall comes down there
will be some Vengeful Shades revealed, guarding a tome. Kill the shades
and read the tome to learn Unshackle Mind Lv.3.
Now make your way towards the southwest corner of the map. In the
southwest corner of the map is the main meeting area for the Mad Monks,
but right before it, on the north side of the hallway is a curtained
doorway leading to a sleeping chamber. The dresser in here contains the
Divine Fire Spellshard.
In the meeting room itself, along the eastern wall, is a secret
passage. Don't bother trying to get through he barrier, as the chest is
empty anyway.
Leave the meeting hall to the north and you'll see another section of
cracked wall. Taking down this wall leads to another barrier blocking
access to another empty chest. I'd suggest saving your spell points.
Follow the main hallway around until you reach a doorway leading south
near the northwest corner. The door leads to the Monastery Library and
in the southeast corner is a tome with a scrap of vellum between some
pages which teaches the Knowledge Brew recipe.
North of the library is a short passage which will only allow you to
send one character through. You're going to have to fight a pretty
tough battle before you can rejoin your party, so choose who you send
wisely. The battle with some Mad Monks starts when you step on the mat
that's by itself on the west side of the room. The Master drops a pair
of Boots of Speed, which you want to pick up.
On the western wall of the room is another cracked section of wall.
Break down the wall and read the plagues on the north wall of this
small chamber for some tributes to Kung-Fu movies.
The door leading east out of the main room takes you to the treasure
for the Monastery, which is pretty lame, for a treasure trove.
Now go rejoin your party and leave the Monastery, hopefully after having gotten a few giggles out of the experience.