Avernum 4 Annotated Maps

Giant Lands

Giant's Warren
M53L1 M53L2 Grindstone
Remote Tunnel

Hover over the markers for more details.

Eastern Bank
Notable Items: Woven Golden Chain
Testing: Test of Effectiveness

Only one thing really to do here. The cave to the SE isn't of interest to do yet, but the cave surrounded by rock pillars is. Go down, and prepare for a battle. Talk with the shade, and you'll be tested - Test of Effectiveness. There are 6 of these tests throughout all of Avernum, and they have excellent rewards. This one is pretty easy, just beat up the shade. It's vulnerable to pretty much everything, including repel spirit. For your trouble you get 300xp and a Woven Golden Chain.

Prev << Ogre Swamp       Next >> Giant Warren

Western Bank

Stats: Gymnastic +1 all

You've nearly come full-circle. Storm the fort. Open the southern door, it's easier. Head down the west stairs and you'll find Peggy, a spy for Avernum. She gives you a quest to kill the giant leader. Do so for a stat increase of gymnastics +1 to everybody.

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