Avernum 4 Annotated Maps

Walkthrough (SPOILERS ABOUND!)

  1. Fort Monastery Region
  2. Path to Fort Draco
  3. Fort Draco and Environs
  4. Formello and Environs
  5. Eastern Gallery
  6. Mertis, Honeycomb, TotM
  7. The Great Cave
  8. Rentar's Keep
  9. Fort Saffron and The Abyss
  10. Giant Lands
  11. End Game

----------------------------- Fort Monastery Region -------------------------

    FM-MB-                       (FM) Fort Monastery   (MB) Monastery Bridge
    |  | ^   
    GL-LS^                       (GL) Goblin Lands     (LS) Lizard Shore
    |  | ^   
^JW-GF-SS^   (JW) Giant Warren   (GF) Goblin Fen       (SS) Swampy Shore
^|  |  | ^   
^JL-GS-OS^   (JL) Giant Lands    (GS) Grindstone       (OS) Ogre Swamp
  1. (FM) Fort Monastery
  2. (MB) Monastery Bridge
  3. (LS) Lizard Shore
  4. (GL) Goblin Lands
  5. (SS) Swampy Shore
  6. (GF) Goblin Fen
  7. (GS) Grindstone
  8. (OS) Ogre Swamp
  9. (JL) Giant Lands
  10. (JW) Giant Warren

-----------------------------Path to Fort Draco------------------------------

 MB-NL|NF^   (MB) Monastery Bridge   (NL) Nephil Lands   (NF) North of Fort Draco
^|  |  | ^
^LS|N2|FD^   (LS) Lizard Shore       (N2) Nephil Lands   (FD) Fort Draco
^|  |  | ^
^SS|N3-ND-   (SS) Swampy Shore       (N3) Nephil Lands   (ND) Near Fort Draco
^   |  | ^
^^^}ST-S2^                           (ST) Slime Tunnels  (S2) Slime Tunnels
  1. (NL) Nephil Lands
  2. (NF) North of Fort Draco
  3. (N2) Nephil Lands
  4. (LS) Lizard Shore
  5. (SS) Swampy Shore
  6. (N3) Nephil Lands
  7. (ND) Near Fort Draco
  8. (FD) Fort Draco
  9. (ST) Slime Tunnels
  10. (S2) Slime Tunnels

--------------------------------Fort Draco and environs----------------------

^NF-HM      (NF) North of Fort Draco   (HM) Haunted Mines
^FD-DR-NW   (FD) Fort Draco            (DR) Draco Farmlands   (NW) Northwest of Formello
 ND-DF      (ND) Near Fort Draco       (DF) Draco-Formello Road
  1. (DF) Draco-Formello Road
  2. (DR) Draco Farmlands
  3. (NF) North of Fort Draco
  4. (HM) Haunted Mines

--------------------------------Formello and environs------------------------

   Mi-BT-MC{                         (Mi) Formello Mines  (BT) Barren Tunnels (MC) Motrax Caves
   |  |    {
DR-NW-N4-NE{  (DR) Draco Farmlands   (NW) NW of Formello  (N4) N of Formello  (NE) NE of Formello
|  |     | {
DF-NF-4M E4{  (DF) Draco-Formello Rd (NF) Near Formello   (4M) Formello       (E4) E of Formello
---|  |  | {
   SW-S4-SE{                         (SW) SW of Formello  (S4) S of Formello  (SE) SE of Formello
  1. (NW) Northwest of Formello
  2. (NF) Near Formello
  3. (4M) Formello
  4. (S4) South of Formello
  5. (SW) Southwest of Formello
  6. (N4) North of Formello
  7. (NE) Northeast of Formello
  8. (E4) East of Formello
  9. (SE) Southeast of Formello
  10. (Mi) Formello Mines
  11. (BT) Barren Tunnels
  12. (MC) Motrax Caves


------------------------------------Eastern Gallery--------------------------

            S2-BC-SW S4    
               |  |  |       (EG),(E0)-(E9),(EZ) Eastern Gallery
Rt SL-E0-E9-E8-B2-BL-EG-E3{  (S2) Slime Tunnels      (S4) South of Formello (SW) SW of Formello
|  |^^|  |  |  |  |  |  | {  (RT),(Rt) Remote Tunnel (SL) Slith Lands       (SC) Slith Cave
RT-SC^DR-NR-E6-E5-BR-DV-E1{  (BL),(B2) Bandit Lands  (BC) Bandit Castle     (BR) Bandit Ruins
^^^^^^|  |  |  |  |  |  | {  (DR) Fort Dranlon       (NR) Near Ft Dranlon   (DV) Fort Duvno
     ^EZ-E7-WC-CT-GW-NS-E2{  (CT) Cotra   (WC) West Cotra   (GW) Gallery Woods
     ^^^^|^^^^^|  |  |  | {  (SV) Silvar  (WS) West Silvar  (NS) North of Silvar
       ^^RI^^^^E4-WS-SV-AV{  (RI) Reptile Island    (AV) Fort Avernum
  1. (EG) Eastern Gallery
  2. (DV) Fort Duvno
  3. (E1) Eastern Gallery
  4. (E2) Eastern Gallery
  5. (AV) Fort Avernum
  6. (E3) Eastern Gallery
  7. (NS) North of Silvar
  8. (SV) Silvar
  9. (BR) Bandit Ruins
  10. (GW) Gallery Woods
  11. (WS) West Silvar
  12. (CT) Cotra
  13. (WC) West Cotra
  14. (E5) Eastern Gallery
  15. (BL) Bandit Lands
  16. (SW) Southwest of Formello
  17. (B2) Bandit Lands
  18. (BC) Bandit Castle
  19. (S2) Slime Tunnels
  20. (E6) Eastern Gallery
  21. (E7) Eastern Gallery
  22. (DR) Fort Dranlon
  23. (NR) Near Fort Dranlon
  24. (E8) Eastern Gallery
  25. (E9) Eastern Gallery
  26. (E0) Eastern Gallery
  27. (EZ) Eastern Gallery
  28. (RI) Reptile Island
  29. (SL) Slith Lands
  30. (SC) Slith Caves
  31. (RT) Remote Tunnel
  32. (Rt) Remote Tunnel

----------------------Mertis, Honeycomb, TotM--------------------------------

         |  |  |  | {
G3-G2-CS H2-H1-ME-EM{
^^^|  |  |        | {
  ^|  |  |  |  |  | {
  ^G4-G1-SF-SP S1-TC{
  1. (HC) The Honeycomb
  2. (SM) Silvar-Mertis Road
  3. (ME) Mertis
  4. (H1) The Honeycomb
  5. (H2) The Honeycomb
  6. (H3) The Honeycomb
  7. (DT) Distant Tunnel
  8. (HC) The Honeycomb
  9. (EM) East of Mertis
  10. (MS) Mertis Spiral
  11. (SR) Southeastern Road
  12. (TC) The Tower Colony
  13. (S1) Southeastern Road
  14. (S2) Southeastern Road
  15. (S3) Southeastern Road
  16. (SP) Surface Portal
  17. (SF) Sulfurous Flats
  18. (S4) Southeastern Road
  19. (GC) The Great Cave
  20. (CS) Camp Samuels
  21. (G1) The Great Cave
  22. (G2) The Great Cave
  23. (G3) The Great Cave
  24. (G4) The Great Cave
  25. (AL) Almaria

-------------------------------------The Great Cave--------------------------
By far the biggest section of the game, the Great Cave is very rewarding, but also frequently difficult.

        S4-S2-SC Z3-Z2 EZ
        |  |  |     |  |
     FS S3-S1-FE-G8=ZL-Z1
     |     |  |  |      
     |  |  |  |  |  |  |
     GV-DH-GX-GY-ML CA G3-G2^
     |  |  |  |  |     |  |^^
        |  |     |  |  |  |^^
  1. (G2) The Great Cave
  2. (G3) The Great Cave
  3. (G5) The Great Cave
  4. (G6) The Great Cave
  5. (CA) The Castle
  6. (AL) Almaria
  7. (G4) The Great Cave
  8. (GT) The Great Cave
  9. (GU) The Great Cave
  10. (GZ) The Great Cave
  11. (GR) The Great Cave
  12. (G7) The Great Cave
  13. (G8) The Great Cave
  14. (ZL) Slith Lands
  15. (Z1) Slith Lands
  16. (Z2) Slith Lands
  17. (Z3) Slith Lands
  18. (ML) Memorial Lands
  19. (GY) The Great Cave
  20. (G9) The Great Cave
  21. (FE) Fort Emerald
  22. (SC) ScreeCaves
  23. (S1) ScreeCaves
  24. (S2) Scree Caves
  25. (S3) Scree Caves
  26. (S4) Scree Caves
  27. (GN) Gnass
  28. (GX) The Great Cave
  29. (DH) Dharmon
  30. (BL) Blosk
  31. (GW) The Great Cave
  32. (GV) The Great Cave
  33. (GK) Great Cave Ruins
  34. (GP) The Great Cave
  35. (G0) The Great Cave
  36. (GH) The Great Cave
  37. (GI) The Great Cave
  38. (GJ) The Great Cave
  39. (PT) Patrick's Tower
  40. (GG) The Great Cave
  41. (GM) The Great Cave
  42. (RT) Fort Remote

----------------------------------------Rentar's Keep-----------------------
Pylons are your main enemies throughout this region. Fortunately, the pylons here have a pretty low area of vision, and you can avoid them with ease if you follow the correct path. Come back after you've beaten Rentar and collect everything you've missed. It's not too worthwhile to kill or collect things on the way there. Note that these pylons can be beat if you have a heavily shielded/augmented character which placed right next to them, and follow this up with archers and mages hammering away. Opal pylons fall to fire, ruby fall to ice, and jade fall to lightning.

  1. Western Wastes (WW)
  2. Western Wastes (W1)
  3. Western Wastes (W2)
  4. Western Wastes (W3)
  5. Basalt Fortress (BF)

---------------------------------------Fort Saffron and The Abyss-------------

^^^|  |
^^^|  |
|  |  |
   |  |
  1. Fort Saffron (FS)
  2. Scree Caves (S3)
  3. Scree Caves (S4)
  4. Spire Fortress (SF)
  5. The Abyss (AB)
  6. The Abyss (A1)
  7. Spire (SP)
  8. The Abyss (A2)
  9. The Abyss (A3)
  10. Remote Lands (RL)
  11. Erika's Ruins (ER)
  12. The Abyss (A4)
  13. Bargha (BA)
  14. The Abyss (A5)

-----------------Giant Lands--------------------------------------------------

   A5^BA-J1-J3 JW^
   |^^   |  |  |^^
DL-A4^   J2-HR-JL^
  1. Giant Lands (J1)
  2. Giant Lands (J2)
  3. Giant Lands (J3)
  4. Giant Lands (HR)
  5. Giant Lands (JL)
  6. Giant Warren (JW)
  7. Remote Lands (R1)
  8. Remote Lands (R2)
  9. Remote Lands (R3)
  10. Khoth Ruins (KR)

-----------------End Game----------------------------------------------------

  1. Dark Lands (DL)
  2. Remote Lands (RL)
  3. Erika's Ruins (ER)
  4. Dark Lands (D1)
  5. Dark Lands (D2)
  6. Rentar's Keep (RK)