Avernum 4 Annotated Maps

Bandit Ruins

Bandit Lands
MB5L1 MB5L2 Fort
Gallery Woods

Hover over the markers for more details.

Notable items: Girdle of Nimbleness, Static band
Stats: Minor Heal +1, Heal +1, Unlock doors +1

Avernum 4 pokes a bit of fun at the bandit ruins as this is the area where adventurers have killed evil doers for the past 40+ years. There are many bandits here, as to be expected. Take the NE stairs after killing some lizards, and use a piercing crystal to get to a spell book that improves some of your healing spells. Make your way west through the bandits, then head to the SW. There are a few named enemies here, but don't worry about it.

Go up the stairs, and proceed north, killing the bandits (and mage who drops a static band) along the way. Prepare yourself for a decent battle, then hit Hanvar and his cronies hard. Two icy rains make short work of the warriors, and Hanvar can be taken the next turn with some firebolts and melee attacks. He drops a girdle of nimbleness on death. Read his spell book for improvements to unlock doors. Grab the bronze key as well, it will make the next bandit much easier. Go back to Fort Duvno for completing this sub-quest.

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