Avernum 4 Annotated Maps

North of Silvar

Fort Duvno
MC6L1 MC6L2 Eastern

Hover over the markers for more details.

Notable items: Blessed belt

If you enter the east building, prepare for a fight with some thugs. Kill them, and take their stuff. Head down the stairs, and kill the burning fungi. You can continue south, though the enemies become progressively tougher. If you enter the west room from here, you have to fight a nasty familiar, but can get a number of good items, including some steel things. You can head down the cave near the map's center, and you'll find a gremlin. Gremlins are tough, and this one enjoys confusing your fighters. Kill it if you want (either talk to it 3-4 times, or head east), and take its stuff. Its items include a blessed belt.

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