Avernum 4 Annotated Maps

East of Mertis

Mertis Spiral
Mertis MD9L1 MD9L2 Edge of
the World
Southeastern Road

Hover over the markers for more details.

  • Hunt down Crain - 400xp, Armor Ring

Goodman Thorious lives here, and he's the father of the fellow you helped long ago. However, he and his family are a bit nuts. Still, talk with him to get a reward- 300c. He's much more friendly after you give him this letter. He will sell some (over-priced) items to you, including a woven silk robe, a blessed short sword, some graymold, and an ivory band. The mold is the only stuff I considered buying. He will give you another quest, if you'd like. Your reward for this second quest is an armor ring.

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