Avernum 5 Annotated Maps

The Blackchasm

Bargha Gates
Edge of
the World
M06L1 M06L2 Outside
Inner Blackchasm

Hover over the markers for more details.

Notable items: Nimble Chain
Caches: Heavy Boots
Storgald (Slightly Expensive)

More monsters here. Also, Storgald the scum farmer sells a variety of herbs, none of which are direly necessary. Go down his stairs and loot his stuff for some more herbs and the ultra-useful invulnerability elixir.

Go through the tunnels and head west after cleaning them out. Go back up the stairs and you'll encounter Dirty Darius. Get rid of him however you'd like, then go north and fight Dirty Desiree. Kill her for a nimble chain, and loot her stuff. You'll get a bar of fine steel from her stuff.

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