Avernum 5 Annotated Maps

Gladwell's Keep

Northern Isles
M43L1 M43L2 Gladwell's
The Rat Cave

Hover over the markers for more details.

Caches: Focusing Crystal, Shining Golden Band Craftsmen:
Antrobus (Utterly Ridiculous)(Extreamly Cheap if geased)
Miscellaneous stuff
Sabina (Free)
Rest and food if not geased
Free Healing potions if geased

There is a small island to the NW that has two caches. Row your boat diagonally to get through the rocks to get them.

You now come upon one of your first dilemmas in the game- whether or not to be geased by Gladwell. But first, you can investigate his stuff. Antrobus will trade with you, and has the best prices if you are geased. Sabina is in charge of the inn and will give you a healing potion periodically if geased.

The last person of interest here is Maggie, who doesn't say much. Everyone on the island acts a bit funny, which isn't too much of a surprise.

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