Avernum 5 Annotated Maps


Edge of the World
MA0L1 MA0L2 Northwest

Hover over the markers for more details.

  • Stone Circle -
  • -
Notable items: Mandrake Tincture,
Sniper's Vest
Caches: Mined Crystals x 2
Blessed Shield
Blessed Shortsword
Blessed Vambraces
Blessed Spear
Blessed Breastplate
Healing Elixir
Curing Elixir
Energy Elixir
Armor Elixir

Gorp is a smith here. He will trade with you, and will craft blessed items for cash, fine steel, and focusing crystals. Dellinger is a miner who is quite chatty. His quest is on the job board to the south. Shiarra is a nephil miner who wants you to help Merrum. You will do so eventually. Haskell is the town's potion maker, and will make some decent elixirs for you. She also wants you to check her basement for noise. Go down, and grab the mandrake tincture behind the spell-locked door. Continue till you see a gate.

Persephone, a Lysstak-friendly mage, is waiting for you. Kill her and take her stuff. Go back upstairs and chew out Haskell. She will sell you potions now and give you info. You can get behind that ledge and grab a sniper's vest when you raid Lyssak's keep.

Incantor Foramon is the last person of interest here. He is your route to Tranquility. However you will need the mayor of Harkin's Landing's permission before you can get through. Foramon gives you a quest to explore the stone circle to the west. Return back when successful to get some potions and access to a bunch of skills, most importantly resistance. The other two Shanker will teach you instead for cheaper.

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