Avernum 2 Annotated Maps
Caves Of Filth Detail Map
NORTH edge of world /
EAST edge of world /
SOUTH Chasm Tunnels /
WEST edge of world
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- Don't even think of entering this region until you have gained enough
experience to successfully retrieve one of the Crystal Souls.
- Every so often this region tries to disease you.
- There are packs of chitrachs and null bugs spawned this region.
- There are packs of chitrach larva and giant slugs spawned in this region.
- There are also a few bands of Demons leading hydras to avoid or fight in
this region. If you bow to them instead, you lose 50xp.
- Taking three offerings from the Insect Repository to the Chitrach Shrine
(one at a time) will gain you 1 level of Strength.
- Demons, hordlings, and hydra pop up in this tower. Watch out for other foes
as well.
- In the center of the dome is Goosenargh's Shoppe. She only sells cursed
weapons. She will also tell you about Kordaddis, the haakai who runs the place.
She drops a hint as to how to get to him.
- In the hordling room in the northwest search the vahnatai body shown to get
a clue to "Search the southeast bed". Searching the other vahnatai bodies will
cause disease.
- When you enter the bed room, don't stop to sleep or you will end up dead.
Walk to the southeast bed and you will be given antother clue. "Look at the
outside wall to the northwest. When you go, walk next to the wall."
- At the northwest corner there is box with the next clue. "Blow horn between
east pillars."
- You can buy a horn from Goosenagh for a mere 1000cp. Or you can find a horn
at the northeast corner, guarded by a demon of course.
- When you enter the pillar room you will be ambushed by a couple of demons
and several hordlings. 'Surprise!' Wipe them out then proceed to the east end
of the pillar room. You get the final clue. "Goosenargh hates the word 'fish'."
- Go back to Goosenargh and say the word 'fish' to him until she relents and
opens the secret passage in the hordling room.
- In the northern room, you need to turn a wheel to open the passage to the
east. This will trigger a few more demons to attack you.
- In the room past the temple, don’t step on any tile with a small round
pattern. It will transport you to a platform in the central chamber. You’ll
need to go through the secret door to get across the room.
- Once in the throne room, haste and bless up before approaching the book
case. Bordaddis will appear with several of his pets. Kill them, go to the
bookshelf and grab the Mica Tome.
- There is no way to get into the secret chamber off the throne room.
NORTH edge of world /
EAST edge of world /
SOUTH Chasm Tunnels /
WEST edge of world
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