Avernum 2 Annotated Maps
Chasm Tunnels Detail Map
NORTH Caves Of Filth /
EAST edge of world /
SOUTH Vahnatai Lands (East) /
WEST edge of world
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- Uranium is not good for anything, and carrying it will make you ill.
- The hydras are the object of a quest for Aeon in Mancuso.
- There are bands of enemy Vahnatai waiting to ambush on the way to the fortress.
- Don't attempt to attack the Vahnatai Fortress until you are very strong.
- In order to cross the chasm to the north, you need to release the floating
- This place is full of hostile Vahnatai. You can't get in via the front gates,
and if you approach them you will alert the entire fort of your presence.
You need to cross the first bridge in the center in order to approach the back door.
The key you found in Avit will let you in.
- Head southeast, to where the humans are, kill them and the wizard
(who has a resistance ring) and read the papers in the chest in the wizards room.
- Head through the training room to the tunnels in the northeast. Follow them
until you get to the boat.
- Hop in, then take the boat east, till you get to a 6 square ledge.
Take the secret passage down to find a crystal which gives 2 points of
Resistance skill to all of your characters.
- Take the boat back west, then find an area in the NW with a basilisk.
Kill it, then get into the room next door.
For this you will get an ability crystal, Defensive Glow.
- You can either return to the landing on the east side of the waterway, or you
can sneak in the back way from the south landing. Work your way to Gaddika.
Slay him (he's quite powerful).
- Take the boat to the landing in the southwest corner. Find the hidden passage,
dispel the barrier and find the hidden room. One cabinet has a crystal key to open
the gate to the treasure room. The other cabinet contains evidence of these Vahnatai
having traitorous dealings with the Empire. You get 20xp for finding this evidence.
- You have to kill another basilisk to get to the treasure room. There you will
find a blessed shield and a Knowledge Brew.
- Somewhere you trigger a special that sets up a bunch of Vahnatai near the exit.
You will have to fight your way out through them. One of them has Drakeskin Gloves.
- Notice there is also a secret path from the east side to the west side out of
the training room, but you have to pass a couple of living statues to get there.
NORTH Caves Of Filth /
EAST edge of world /
SOUTH Vahnatai Lands (East) /
WEST edge of world
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