Avernum 2 Annotated Maps
Deep Rapids Detail Map
NORTH Lake of Algae /
EAST edge of world /
SOUTH edge of world /
WEST edge of world /
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- Visit the Hydra Lair for some entertainment and food.
- You can try to talk with the shades, but they are hostile. Attack first
and ask questions later.
- The hostile vahnatai do not appear until you get close to their ambush.
- Looks like some hydras are fighting some chitrach. You can join the
carnage, or you can let the hydras get beat, then kill the weakened
chitraches. Take the meat for food.
- Talk to the hydras for some humor. Killthem if you want for food.
- Kill the salamanders on the way out to get to the Vahnatai Lands.
NORTH Lake of Algae /
EAST edge of world /
SOUTH edge of world /
WEST edge of world /
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