Avernum 2 Annotated Maps
Lake of Algae Detail Map
NORTH Deep Rivers /
EAST edge of world /
SOUTH Deep Rapids /
WEST edge of world /
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- If you have sufficient Luck (6), you can get a Wand of Bolts from the fire hydra,
and a Wand of Lighning from the ice hydra.
- The ghost you met in the Underground River is here to offer healing for 35cp.
- Not much to do in the Ruined Villa.
- You can either kill the gremlins for experience, or just party with them and get
some energy elixer. Beware, if you play with them they will steal most of your food.
Just north of the party is a cache with several more potent potions.
- Solving the Coffin Caves and the Tomb of Dahris-Bok will give you points with the
vahnatai so that you don't have to take their tests.
- Just a couple of goodies to get while you are here.
- To get the hints on how to solve this puzzle, check out the body and the cabinet marked.
Read the vellum sheets you find.
- To operate the control panel, use Button, Lever, Wheel, Lever, Button.
- Don't forget the Chill Charm in the northeast corner.
- At the entrace cave, choose your strongest priest character to go through. You will need
some haste potions as well.
- In the central chamber, go east. You can either fight some ghouls or disarm the trap.
- Go past the ghouls in the northeast corner and kill them before the ramp opens up for them.
Turn Wheel 'A' to get to the next challenge.
- Back in the central chamber go north. Step on the two northern most runes to open the
next set of gates. Kill some skeletons and turn Wheel 'B' to advance to the third challenge.
- From the central chamber go west. Either get past the locked doors or follow the hidden
passage. Work your way to Wheels 'C' & 'D' and turn them.
- Make sure to get the treasure in the room past the wight and spirits.
You get a Chill Charm and Call Beast wisdom crystal. The ring is cursed.
- You can now proceed past the locked gate that leads to Dahris-Bok. You can pass the
traps to find more zombies to kill or just pass through the secret passages to get to
the tomb.
- Kill the vahnavoi guarding the tomb and Kneel to Dahris-Bok for 20xp.
- After you have paid homage to Dahris-Bok, you can steal his stuff in the hidden
treasure room. You will trigger the appearance of a Hraithe and three vahnavoi, but
you get an Archer's Ring and a fine waveblade.
NORTH Deep Rivers /
EAST edge of world /
SOUTH Deep Rapids /
WEST edge of world /
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