Avernum 2 Annotated Maps
Empire Lands (South) Detail Map
NORTH Empire Lands (Central) /
EAST Dharmon Area, Fort Remote Area /
SOUTH edge of world /
WEST edge of world
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Despain's Fine Goods: Scrolls
- Random monsters include slugs with shamblers.
- As you enter this region, you will meet some Empire troops who will ask for
a blue pass. If you have one and show it to them, they will leave you alone
from then on. Or you can attack them to gain more experience points.
- North of them is a cache that contains food and steel arrows.
- There is a nest of Spiders, Aranea, and Elder Aranea in a hidden passage to
the south. They guard a body that has a Dexterity Bracelet.
- The next checkpoint will always check for your blue pass. No combat is allowed.
- Trying to bypass the next group of Empire troops at the bridge will result
in being ambushed by another group. If you confront the troops at the bridge,
you get the same options as the first group when you entered the region.
- Just past this second group is a group of Mutant Giants who will always
attack you.
- In a hidden section to the east is Despain's Fine Goods, who sells scrolls.
- There is another wandering band of Empire troops past the bridge. Again,
you can show your blue pass or you can choose to fight them.
- In the northern half of this section there are wandering encounters with
Empire troops who want to be paid 100 coins toll. Refuse so you can kill them.
- You cannot get into Angierach from the outside. You'll have to use the
portal at the Tower of Magi.
- To get past either of the checkpoints in this northern area you will need
to have a gray pass. You get 10xp the first time you pass one of these gates.
- After you have freed Sulfras and re-entered her lair, a secret passage
becomes available to enter the northernmost region. Here you will meet gazers
and eye beasts, drakes and fire lizards.
- Fly from the center of the bridge straight west to find some hraithes and
vahnavoi. They are guarding a skeleton with the Jade Halberd, a very fine weapon.
KOTHTAR - Level 1
- There are Empire soldiers and mutant giants all over the first level. I have
identified only the enemy you really need to watch out for. Clean them all out.
- Also there is a ton of loot that is worthwhile carting back to Dharmon after
you have finished here.
KOTHTAR - Level 2
- Again, on the second level you will find all sorts of enemy to kill, and
plenty of loot. Randomly generated giants will seek you out.
- In the Monster Room you will find a series of cages made of force barriers.
These cages contain a variety of really bad monsters including a mung demon, a
gazer, a shambler, a viscous goo, some basilisks and giant lizards. Don't go in
there unless you want a really tough battle. The southern monster room contains
a couple of shamblers along with a couple of elite soldiers.
- In the southern room with the mages and mutant giants, there are several
slabs with a giant being mutated by the mages. You can choose to ignore them,
kill them, or set them free. Setting them free allows them to attack you. Kill
them for more xp.
- In a hidden cell north of the mages, you can find Stewart. You can let him
know the way is clear for 1rep and 10xp, or you can let him join your party if
you have an available slot.
- There are a couple of hidden stairways. One is west of the Monster room,
and the other is south of the mages. They are described below.
- On the eastern side, there is a Reagent room guarded by a couple of demons.
- In the center of the pit is a ladder leading down to a fiery pit, described
- The north door from the pit leads to a room guarded by force barriers and
Ur-Basilisks. Your reward is Giantslayer, a Ring of Grief and information on the
Empires plans, which is the object of one of your subquests.
- Eventually, you need to work your way to the Door "A" on the east
side of the pit. You need to get around three trapdoors. There are three ways
of doing this.
- If you know Move Mountains at Level 3, you can destroy the rock outcroppings
and walk around the trapdoors.
- Alternately, go through the secret door at B. Some of the doors in
this maze of rooms are unlockable and some aren’t and some rooms contain demons.
Find your way to the hallway to the east, and go through the secret doors at
C and D.
- Finally, you can just drop down the first trap door, follow the route to a
room with golems and living statues, climb the stairs to the hallway just past
the naze, then go through the secret doors at C and D.
- Finally descend the stairs down to the Orb.
KOTHTAR - Level 3
- The hidden stairway from behind the the Monster Room leads to a chamber
with mutant giants and undead. Follow the path leading to the southto find
more undead. One room contains a yew crossbow with some blessed bolts. The
last room has spectres and a couple of vampires. The coffins hold a
Gymnastics Mind Crystal and a Heroic Brew.
- The hidden stairway from the mages room on the second floor leads to a
chamber called the Halls of Fire Testing. Walk around the force barriers until
you step on a rune. A hole opens up in the barrier wall, releasing quick fire.
In the center of the the barrier is a Blessed Greatsword.
- The fiery pit accessed from the pit on L2 is actually a forge guarded by
three efreet, who may drop gold necklaces when killed. The prize here is a
Blessed Helmet.
- Once you come down the stairs past the trap doors, exit the room to the
south. Follow the path to the west. Make sure your health levels are very high
and take the big drop. You will confront some Hraithes and Vahnavoi. Get past
them to the secret door. Bypass the portal to get to the second secret door.
This room is full of quickfire, but the reward is a Blessed Plate Mail.
Take the portal out to the path before the big drop.
- Now take the path to the Orb of Thralni. Some of the spaces between the
poles are blocked, and some are trapped. There's no way to avoid the traps, so
just deal with them as they come. The eyebeasts and nagas are easy prey to Wall
of Blades. Proceed around the south wall to the west, then north along the west
wall, then east to just north of the platform. Walk south to raise the stairs
and climb the platform. Grab the Orb and boogy out of here.
- This is the place to get armor. Even though you have a gray pass, this fort
is still hostile.
- Before you enter, there is a mung rat to the north and a fetid zombie to the
- Enter, and kill all the guards. There's not too much special here right now,
other than an evil priest with Steel Chain, a secret room off the room with the
drakes, a zombie with a Ring of Skill to the SW, and a bunch of ore.
- There is a key in the SE building. Use this key to free Sulfras, though
first get ready to !!!RUN!!!. Once you unlock her chains, she releases quickfire.
Also a bunch of guards and giants appear to block your exit. Don't get hung up
with them. Just get out of there.
- When you re-enter the fort is has been changed. There are some skeletons
lurking outside the walls when you enter.
- Plunder the bodies, there's a lot of steel chainmail, a Mithral Chainmail,
Blessed studded armor, and some Drakeskin Gloves.
- Get the scepter from Sulfras, and get 25xp.
- Go take the crystal hidden to the west (Blademaster).
- That crystal sitting next to her is an energy pulse crystal, not worth
getting in a fight over, especially since she's surrounded by a bunch of nearly
invulnerable black shades.
- One of the nastiest dungeons in the game. Bring a lot of energy potions.
- Once teleported here, pull the lever and go across the bridge. You'll soon
be caught and dumped into the arena. Five creature types are generated here,
and it may not be worth fighting them all. The only worthwhile looting here is
a body to the SW holding 1 Arrow of Light. The monsters appear after a certain
time: Hydras, Eyebeasts, Undead, Mutant giants, and finally golems.
- Go to the portal and you'll get trapped. If you have Unlock Doors 3 you can
easily get out, otherwise search for a passage to talk with Quinby, then go
through the weakened wall and bust out, killing the golems.
- There are 10 sections to this dungeon.1-5 on the north, 6-0 to the south:
You're in 6 right now. The main hall separates the two sides. There are 12
masters of this dungeon, kill them all to be happy.
- In area 1 you'll find two efreet (masters), kill them, then go west and
north to find a body holding a wand of carrunos, and a ring of immunity(!).
- To the east you'll find a portal to a small dungeon containing some lizards,
a demon, and a spectre all behind barriers. There are some potions of energy and
potion ingredients here.
- 4 is where the nagas live. The three nagas (masters) are guarded by serpents
and drakes. They often carry amulets. Their nests hold wands and potions.
- Heading south to 3 gets you in a fight with 3 humans (masters): a wizard, an
evil high priest, and a dervish. They don't have too much good stuff, outside of
normal wizards, priests and dervishes.
- Head south to 8 to fight some Rakshasi (3, all masters) and their demon pets.
Search their southern quarters for a secret room containing bolts of life and
potion ingredients. There's also a tunnel here that'll let you take the key to
get out of here without getting in a big fight, or a tunnel by which you can
ambush Midori.
- 9 is a library with a few scrolls.
- 5 is an undead area with vampires and vengeful shades who have potions and
ingredients, not too bad.
- Go to 0 when you're finally ready to take on the evil lich. First you'll
have to fight some spectres and spirits, then go south, and fight Midori
(those golems can't get past the runes). Use those bolts of life to make this
battle end quick. She has a robe of the magi on her.
- Now go to 7 and use the phoenix egg to bring down the barriers, and grab
the crystal (Vyvnas-Bok). That's it for here. Leave using your key, then go south,
and make it back to Fort Remote.
NORTH Empire Lands (Central) /
EAST Dharmon Area, Fort Remote Area /
SOUTH edge of world /
WEST edge of world
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