Avernum 2 Annotated Maps
Fort Remote Area Detail Map
NORTH Dharmon Area /
EAST Tower of Patrick Area /
SOUTH edge of world /
WEST Empire Lands (South)
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Kevtar: Gymnastics skill
- Beware the Rakshasi ambush site. Rakshasi are magically adept as well
as being magically immune, so the only way to kill them is with brute force.
This group also has a bunch of acid spitting slugs with them making this a
really tough encounter.
- There are also random encounters with more bands of Rakshasi with wyrms.
- There is also an encounter with some Empire spies in this region.
- Kevtar will teach all your PC's 1 skill point in gymnastics for 5000cp.
Once you have the skill, you can train in it at your lesiure.
Find Blue Pass
- 4rep, 30xp
Replace Ankh
- 20xp
Wine for Fort Remote
- 20cp a bottle
- Angarahad will give you a quest for cheap wine.
- Talk with Mawrrr for some tasty information. ;-)
- Commander Lori will give you the quest for the Blue Pass. You need to have found
both of them, since she will not take your only one. There's one blue pass in the
Secret Empire Fort south of Cotra
and another in the Unfinished Fort.
- Deltarian tells you about Kevtar, in case you haven't already met in the ruins to the north.
- Mother Madge gives you a quest to Replace the Ankh on the altar to the west. For this
you earn 20xp.
- You finally use that key you found in the undead ruins.
- To get through the Hall of Marble Pillars follow the green path to get to the trash pile.
Step on the trash, then back track to the path that takes you to the opened up wall in the NE corner.
- You'll find a garden room, there is no way to avoid the fight and bad effects.
The first rune causes confusion; just pace in the space beyond to recover from it.
The second rune causes you to feel woozy.?.
The third rune will take away most of your health and spell points. Here is where it useful to
have some healing and energy potions.
The fourth rune turns the plants into shamblers. Fight them off. Once this is done, you can walk
through the garden without touching any of the runes.
Go back and step on the rune to the SW to open the passage to Thompson's hideout.
- Talk with Thompson. He'll give you the portal code to Garzhad's Fortress, and will teach you
the last 5 mage spells.
- Enter through the east, crossing the lava, then go north, kill the rakhashi, then south,
and repeat.
- Go to the bridge and take a step. Another piece of bridge will form.
- Continue on south. More Rakhashi to fight. They occasionally have blessed robes, sandles,
and mage bracelets on them so search 'em well.
- Go west and you'll find an area with a door that disappears. Go through the hydra lair
to the east to find a secret way in.
- Don't cross those runes, find the secret passages in to the east.
- Enter the room, and kill all the rakhashi and their pets.
- Use the Ritual of Sanctification on the altar to get 15xp.
- Check the west wall for 4 Arrows of Light, Bolts of Life, and a Potion of Invulnerability.
- You can use the portal to tranport yourself to the pit north of the entrance fire pit.
NORTH Dharmon Area /
EAST Tower of Patrick Area /
SOUTH edge of world /
WEST Empire Lands (South)
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