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Remote Lands | ![]() |
Edge of the world |
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The Abyss |
Nothing Here |
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Eastern Shore
Cache: Graymold, Mandrake Root
On the eastern side of the river, approachable from The Abyss there are some more muckwalkers to kill. You can go down the pit to see where the darkside loyalists are hiding, but can't do much from this side except get attacked. Respond in kind if you want.
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Western Shore
Notable items: Robe of the Magi, Blessed Longbow, Radiant Soulblade
Stats: Divine Restoration +1, Arcane Summon +1
Once you have gone through the Dark Lands you can reach the western side of the river where there are a few more muckwalkers, and again they drop herbs. Since you're so close to Craftmaster Strine, ponder making the trip back and cashing them in.
You'll find the old home of Erika and you better believe there's something nasty living here now. Dispel the barriers nearby the center of the map, and prep yourself (arcane shield would be nice). There's a lich, some pylons, and a nasty trap that summons energy orbs whenever you cross the runed threshold. However, there's something nearby that makes this battle much easier. Drink from the basin in the room to the north. You'll become invulnerable for a short while. Now go fight the lich, killing the restoration pylons first. Use the energy orbs to your advantage - let them approach you, then kill them. They do ~100 damage per batch to everything in the room not surrounded by invulnerability shields - i.e., not you. They make this fight much easier. The lich drops a robe of the magi on death. Drink from its south basin for a few experience points, then continue to look around the tower. You'll find a book of divine restoration nearby, and an unusual rune to the north. Hit the rune and it'll open up a new area, where you'll finish up one major quest.
Go down the hatch and you'll find a suspicious area. Head east, then south, then west. Some lizards are in your way. Go a bit north and a door will collapse. Head back east and kill the soldiers inside. Many of them drop good items, but pick them up after you're done with this area so as to minimize excess weight and maximize your spell durations. Otherwise, they'll swarm you later. Head back to the SW, and go slightly north. You'll find Dorikas. Hit him hard. He'll cheat once he's been smacked enough and summon some tough cryodrake automatons. Kill them, then continue to hit him. He'll cast a terror spell that will remove you from commission. He'll continue to run. Hit him some more and he'll summon some demons. Kill them then hit him some more. He'll cast terror again then run away and jump in a nearby portal. That's all you can do with him for now, sadly.
Time to look around again. Near the portal you'll find a radiant soulblade, which is a potent shortsword (but not that damaging because it's a shortsword). Some minor goods are in the lab, and a book of arcane summon is behind a barrier. The slith incantor you killed dropped a slith bloodspear on death, so grab that as well. Leave this place, and tell Levitt to complete the Darkside quests. One last quest to go.
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