Avernum 4 Annotated Maps

Western Wastes

Basalt Fortress
Edge of
the world
M08L1 M08L2 The Great
Western Wastes

Hover over the markers for more details.

Notable items: Mooneye Girdle
Stats: Unshackle Mind, Control Foes, Daze, Strong Daze

Continue north, then head up the slightly eastern path (where your vahnatai mark begins to tingle), then head down these stairs. Go up the north route, and you'll find Kabraxaz, a vahnatai warrior who will help you storm the keep. Then head up the other stairs out. If you want, taunt the gazer into attacking you, then kill it for a mooneye girdle. Head down the western stairs, follow the short pathway, then head up. Use the crystal key to open the door here (otherwise you must take a much longer route). Go south through the wolves. Head up to the final area, BF.

Go north from where the wolves and vahnatai were located and head down the stairs. Go west through the nullity golem and make your way into the room. Inside is a spell book of control foes and unshackle mind. If you head to the sublevel then go west, you'll end up in a minor passage which gets you bonuses to both daze spells.

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