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The Abyss |
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Giant Lands |
The Abyss |
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Cache: Swamp Nodule, Jade Chain, Sandals, Skull, Gold Necklace Notable items: Charmed Plate, Blessed Broadsword, Radiant Shortblade Stats: Arcane Summon +1 |
Craftsmen: Kelda Mercuric Leather - 2 fine leather, graymold, mandrake, focusing crystal, 1000c Stability Boots - 4 fine leather, graymold, mandrake, focusing crystal, 1000c Magus Vest - 4 fine leather, graymold, mandrake, focusing crystal, 1000c Answering Gloves - 5 fine leather, graymold, mandrake, focusing crystal, 1000c |
Trainers: Gladwell (Expensive) Prismatic Shield, Summon Aid, Strong Daze, Fireblast, Arcane Shield, Divine Fire, Control Foes, Enduring Armor, Return Life, Divine Retribution |
Bargha is much more civilized than Spire. The people here are disciplined free spirits who enjoy battle. When you enter the town you are told to see Battlemaster Crewl. Crewl wants you to slay Imiriel, a darkside loyalist spy. Do so for a key to the eastern tunnels. If you have Annatolia's quest to kill him, you can tell him as much and he'll counter with a quest to kill her. You get a radiant shortblade as a reward. He is not evil compared to Annatolia.
Talk with Gladwell to buy some spells and get a quest: Feeding Time. Haste your party, then head down his nearby stairs. Do not hit the slimes or hurt them in any way. Just run around them and use the table. This calms the slimes. Tell Gladwell for a point in arcane summon. Gladwell also has a pylon for you to touch and travel through as you will.
Underneath Gabriel's inn is a filthy crocolisk who drops some leather on death. There's a bountiful garden of caches to the SE, down the stairs. There's also a few herbs, so grab them.
Kelda will make you some potent artifacts if you bring her some leather, focusing crystals, mandrake, graymold, and 1000c. These artifacts are among the best in the game, and it doesn't hurt to have some made. You will find a few soon, though.
Sierwerath is a slith who will buy and sell with you. Nearby is battlemaster Crewl's personal gear, which includes a charmed plate and a blessed broadsword. Steal them if you wish.
Rebecca is here and is the recipient of a letter you may have grabbed off the job board in Fort Saffron. Give it to her and she will sell you her goods. Her goods include a pair of blasted vambraces, which are close to the best legwear in the game. Save up your money and buy them.
Once you're ready to proceed, go just west of town and head north. Enter the secret door and go down. If you have the key, just go through the north set of doors and leave. Otherwise you'll have to unlock those doors or disarm the traps and fight a bunch of giants and fungi. This takes you to the giant lands.
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