Avernum 4 Annotated Maps

The Abyss

Remote Lands
M12L1 M12L2 Bargha
The Abyss

Hover over the markers for more details.

Cache: Healing Herbs
Notable items: Bonding Knife, Blessed Helmet

Stop in to see Bluth. Go down his stairs. Head back up and kill him for a bonding knife.

Go the north and you'll find a lever. Pull it then head to the farmhouse to the east. Enter the house and go down the stairs. You're confronted with a fishy situation. Pull the lever if you want to fight 6 archers. Otherwise use unlock on the door and kill the people inside. You can take out the archers with ease this way. Head to the east then south. You'll find Imiriel, the darkside spy, along with a pet slime. Kill Imiriel early, as he (she?) casts spells. The slime is tough, but can be beaten. Items of note include a blessed helmet, but that's it.

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