Avernum 4 Annotated Maps

The Scree Caves

The Abyss
The Spire
M26L1 M26L2 The Scree
The Scree Caves

Hover over the markers for more details.

Coming here from Fort Emerald
Cache: Ruby
Notable items: Helm of Klin

This is where Szorizass the drake is located. It's pretty well holed-up, and is well guarded by ember lizards and other nasties. Bless/shield/haste, and storm their reptilian hideaway. The drake tries to plea with you (at least, as far as drakes go, it's a plea), but it hasn't really ended its human-eating ways. Kill them all. They have some great items, including a knowledge elixir and a helm of klin.

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Coming here from Fort Saffron
Cache: Ruby

Not much here on the outside, on this side.

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