Avernum 4 Annotated Maps

Barren Tunnels

Edge of the World
MC0L1 MC0L2 Motrax
North of Formello

Hover over the markers for more details.

Notable items: Stunning Blade, Armor Ring
Testing: Test of Endurance

Dazed enemies abound here. These enemies have been taken over by some sinister force. You'll find some nice stuff on their bodies, including slith spears on the bodies of sliths. Also, Testing cave #2 is located here. In order to pass this test you will have to take a fair bit of damage while not dying. The shade casts a frost spell every turn or so, which does damage to everyone in its line of sight. If you charge it with your fighters while keeping your mages hidden in the entrance tunnel, you only have to heal your fighters. They should have endurance 7+ with all the armor you can find. Prismatich Shield and Mass Healing spells make this challenge even easier, but are not absolutely necessary. For successful completion of this test, you get 300xp and an armor band. The next test is near Cotra/Dranlon.

You can get a stunning blade by going to Motrax caves, and looping around back west. Take the stairs down and kill all the thorny fungi. There's a dead body with this nice little weapon here.

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