Avernum 4 Annotated Maps

North of Formello

Barren Tunnels
of Formello
MC1L1 MC1L2 Northeast
of Formello

Hover over the markers for more details.

Notable items: Woven Silk Chain

Newman is a tailor with a few interesting items, namely the woven silk robe. I'd skip it, as you'll find some on your own. There's another storeroom to the south with scavenging rats. Check out the gatehouse to the north, and go up the stairs. Investigate the room to the SW, and you'll find 6 cave slimes. Blast them with icy rain, and they'll drop a woven silk chain, a decent necklace (+1% to all resistances). There are a few areas around here and to the NE that have "You hear a strange scratching sound" appear as you walk on them. Move immediately or get ready for a fight. Worms usually pop up shortly when this warning is given, unless you get off their territory.

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