Avernum 5 Annotated Maps

Scuttler Pits

Edge of
the World
M04L1 M04L2 Northwest
Bargha Gates

Hover over the markers for more details.

Notable items: Blessed Silk Tunic, Warmth Ring, Warmth Shield, Apprentice Belt
Caches: Curing Potion
Stats: Slow
Secret Doors: Red brick room

This area should be your focus for the demo region. There are lots of scuttlers around on the surface. Kill them all and take as many eyes as you can (you need 8, and can check on them in your special items). Try to at least have 6 by completing the upper area. You can summon some scuttlers with the gong (pick up the whip as well!), but other than a cache, there's not too much here initially.

Go down the NW passage and you'll find Hirickis. He runs away initially, after taunting you (with a bit of funny dialogue). Grab the scroll of raise dead (wow!), read the book, and pick up a whip somewhere if you haven't found one yet, then go south. Use the gong, and if you have the whip, two scuttlers will be friendly. There are three gongs on this level, and each one will give you two more friendly scuttlers. When ready, pillage the main fortress.

There's a secret door that leads to some nice armor and a piercing crystal in the room with the red blocks, at the very least grab the crystal.

When ready, charge Hirickis. He's not too difficult, especially if you have scuttlers helping you. When he gets to about a third of his life, he will plead with you to spare him. If you want to spare him, you can claim his hidden treasure, 3 rubies, a blessed silk tunic, and a focusing crystal. Otherwise kill him for the blessed silk tunic. Sometimes mercy is the better route (as far as loot), as in this case. Explore his stuff for a book that teaches you slow, and some decent armor.

Ascend his stairs, and kill the altered scuttler (haste and bless beforehand). It drops a warmth ring on death. There's a barrier nearby, go ahead and use a piercing crystal to get a warmth shield and some other goods.

Kill Apprentice Kvell for an apprentice belt. You're done here, so head on back to New Harston to tell them your success.

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