Avernum 5 Annotated Maps

Northern Avernum

The Rat Cave
M45L1 M45L2 Barren
Goblin Warrens

Hover over the markers for more details.

Notable items: Nimble Sandals
Caches: Lovely Crystal x3, Piercing Crystal, Beautiful Crystal x3, Wisdom Crystal
Doors: SE under tunnels

The bridge is out here. To the north you'll fight the rat lord, to the south, a bunch of goblins. Take your pick.

Underneath this level to the NW you'll find some shades guarding some crystals. Two of caches include a piercing crystal and a wisdom crystal, very nice. If you head to the SE, you'll find a secret door that leads to a room loaded with barriers. Bring them down then open the door and kill the wight. Claim its nimble sandals. If you head west, a golem will stop you. So long as you have the crystals for the pylons, you'll be safe. Otherwise, you will have to fight it. Two rubies are your reward.

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