Avernum 5 Annotated Maps

Chitrach Nest

Anama Lands
MD6L1 MD6L2 Edge of
the World
Nothing Here

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Notable items:Blessed Vambraces, Discipline Blade, Polar Fur Cloak,
Helm of Khar, Girdle of Avoidance
Caches:Focusing Crystal, Mandrake Root
Stats: Divine Restoration, Arcane Shield
(not for a LONG time)
Secret doors: Several throughout maze

Here there be chitrachs. Lots of them. Some are called chitrach callers and will call a bunch of their friends to fight you if you don't kill them really fast (you most likely won't- they have 600+ HP). There are lots of pathways down here, but not all of them work. For instance, the SW and west ones does not work (too close to the mindwarp chitrach), nor the NE (7) entrance (blocked in). In addition to secret doors, you'll have walls that get collapsed when the chitrachs attack you (marked in brown). There are also some doors that open only after you have followed a certain path (marked by number).

Head down the center tunnel at (1). Head to the SE, you will be swarmed by chitrachs. Work your way back to the entrance killing them (hardshells are resistant to magic, but weak against melee, the others are all vulnerable to magic, but can hit hard). Once you make it to the pit, the chitrachs stop coming out.

Head down the ESE (2) entrance for now. Go north, prepare for battle, then let the chitrachs attack. Kill them all, and press the nearby button. This opens up an area to the east with two caches.

Head back upground. Head down the SSE (3) passage. Then go north, and prepare for battle. Kill the chitrachs, then head to the SE and push the button. This opens an area to the NW that has some blessed vambraces.

Go back to the SE, and pillage the bodies for a polar fur cloak, and the extremely nice discipline blade (great for any sort of bow-user or other semi-fighter type). It can increase your battle discipline availability significantly.

You may be able to proceed northward towards the central region. If not, head down the NW passage (4). It's the last one you can take. Either way, prepare for battle after moving along a bit. The walls crumble and chitrachs swarm you. Kill them and push the button. Somehow or another a passage that connects the SW and NE regions of the underground. To the SW, you'll find the Mindwarp Chitrach, and to the NE you'll find the Chitrach Queen.

When you're ready to take on the Chitrach Queen, prepare as best you are able. Then head east, and prepare to fight when you get to a longer passage heading east (with a secret passage noticeable). Attack the chitrach queen. Slow spell will work to your advantage, as well shield breaker and spells. She's not too tough, but can surprise you. Grab the Helm of Khar after killing her. Head back to the secret area (some chitrachs swarmed out of here while you were fighting the queen) and grab the girdle of avoidance.

Note: The Mindwarp Chitrach is difficult to get to. You need to have gotten Larks's Quest, and then you need to talk with Kinglsey in Ahonaria.

Using stairs (3) head to the central region. then head back to the SW. Kill the worms, then follow the passage to the west (A). It reverses and takes you back to the SSE region (3). Circle back around to the SW chamber, and kill some more worms. This time a passage to the south (B) opens up which takes you to a ladder up (5). Go up the ladder and back to the SSE passage (3) and return to the confusing area. The passage to the NW (C) is open.

Note: If you haven't done the prerequisites, you will continue to loop through doors A-D.

When door (C) is open, approach the western wall (E). It is now revealed to be an illusion as well. Go through the west passage to the next area.

Head back to Ahonaria for your rewards and a pass to the next region.

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