Avernum 2 Annotated Maps
Northern Islands Detail Map
NORTH edge of world /
EAST Giant Regions /
SOUTH Harston Area, Northern Avernum /
WEST Empire Lands (Central)
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- There are stalagmites creating a barricade between the west and east side.
To travel to the western half, you will have to take on the Empire Guardhouses
in order to open the barrier.
- The easiest way to get Dispel Barrier L2 is to talk to Aimee, in the
southeast. Unfortunately you have to get past the Vengeful Shades first.
- The Black Drake Fangs for your quests can be gained by killing the drake in
the northeast corner and the ice drakes to the west. Sometimes you fail to get
the fang, so save your game before the encounter in case you need to try again.
- There are some drakes on a northern island in the western half.
- The guardpost blocking access to the west is garrisoned with a wizard and a
couple of rakshasi... ugh!
- The Empire portal can only be accessed via the passage at the southwest corner.
There is one last guard post protected by several rakshasi and many elite soldiers.
- Not much here but a few Empire troops and the all critical boats that will
allow you to navigate the islands.
- Having the ivory key from Elderan's tower makes this one a bit easier.
This keeps you from being heavily damaged as you enter the archives.
- Enter through the east, and grab the boat (you don't really need it) and
get over to the west. Enter and kill the golems.
- You'll need to make it to the SE and NE to get some info, and there's a guy
in the NW who'll talk with you a bit. Most of the interesting stuff is on the
second floor.
- First head south and take the stairs. You'll end up in a room with a demon
and some vengeful shades. Here you get a secret code.
- Go back up and take the south leap of faith. Go to the libraries to collect
some empire records, then make your way east.
- There is a spellbook with Control Foes 3 here, but it's difficult to get.
UPDATE, from Vilurum: Close the door to get it. This opens the gate.
- North of here is a pool. Save the game before going down to the water, as
if you're lucky you'll get a point of strength for everyone. Keep trying till
you do, then go in the altar room (the altar isn't evil).
- Go north, then go west, into the library, then go north. A secret door
will be revealed. Go up the stairs and get the portal location.
- Go back down then head west. You'll enter the holding cells area. A skeleton
warrior here has a wand of fire, and there are guards here. Kill everything,
then check the western room to get a energy pulse crystal, and some amber. Doing
so releases quickfire, which can be stopped with an eastern lever.
- Go south from here, and kill the wizard, demons and skeleton warriors.
- In a secret room to the south is Mass Cure 3 (you may need to pull the lever
first though).
- South are two prisoners, Aydin and Josie. Free them for 5xp each.
- That's about it for here. You can go back to Mahdavi and tell her you've
succeeded to end this quest, and to get the "Destroy the Empire Portal" quest
(no reward), but you don't need to.
- Make sure you have the onyx scepter and the barrier tower ritual before
attempting this dungeon! This is a dangerous level, there are a lot of wizards.
- Entry can be gained through a weakened wall at either the SW corner or the
SE corner.
- In the SW, there's a book that contains some codes you'll soon need.
- To the SE is a key you need. You can sneak through without having to confront
the enemy in the dining hall.
- To the NE you'll need to crack the crystal, then head to the NW, and enter
the control tower.
- Go through the door and you'll get in a nasty fight, then use the codes you
got (Khali, Bestas, Vrain - when it stays lit, you've done it right).
- Leave the control tower, run quickly NE, and seal the portal with the onyx
scepter, then get the hell out of there.
- Congratulations, you've just finished quest #2! Go back to Madhavi and claim
your reward (arcane shield 3 and divine restoration 3, also check the bookshelves
north of Kelner for a ring of great health- from Lynsis)
NORTH edge of world /
EAST Giant Regions /
SOUTH Harston Area, Northern Avernum /
WEST Empire Lands (Central)
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