Avernum 2 Annotated Maps
Northern Avernum Detail Map
NORTH Northern Islands, Giant Regions /
EAST NE Avernum /
SOUTH Central Sea (North), Fort Dranlon /
WEST Harston Area
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- Respawning monsters include Aranea to the east and giants and empire troops to the west.
- There is a bunch of Spore Beasts wandering the area aound the Little Vale.
- Across the pit west of the Little Vale is a group of nagas and wyrms. You need the Orb
of Thralni to get to them. The nagas may drop Knowledge charms, and when you kill them all
you get 500cp and a Warriors Bracelet.
- There are a couple of the Empire caches needed to fulfill a quest.
- You may run into a batch of giants who mistake you for Empire troops.
Kill them if you wish; or not.
- A patrol of empire troops will try to capture you. Kill them.
- The hidden giant village is another optional special encounter. They have
nothing to offer. You may also meet up with a group of wandering giants who might
confuse you with Empire troops. Killing them is optional as well.
- You get 10xp for showing your red pass at the gate to the west the first time.
- The Empire Elite Force will check you for a gray pass. If you don't have one,
you will just have to kill them.
- You really need to have the gray pass to enter Pyrog's Lair, though.
- As you pass the Empire Guard Tower you will be attacked no matter what.
Waldby: Miscellaneous stuff, identification, buys stuff
- The items in Waldby's shop are randomly generated. Lots of them are special items,
such as Blessed Cloaks.
- Once entering, you'll see two doors blocked by fire barriers.
Go through the doors and search the level as best you can, leaving the altar
untouched for now (you'll find some nice small items).
- Touch the altar, kill the Demons and Greater Shades, then touch it again
to unlock the door to the west.
- Go into the door, pull the lever, then kill the 3 monsters which appear,
Eye beast, Ice Hydra, Cave giant. The lever also spawns a black shade and
a greater shade in the altar area.
- Go up the stairs. Go east first, there's a chest to the north with herbs and scrolls,
and another room with a few more minor items.
- Go down the stairs, to the gaol. Kill the guards, then talk with Bill and Bill.
They don't have too much of interest to tell you. There's a gazer in the third cell.
- Back on the second level, in the western room you'll see a batch of levers which
open doors with enemies behind them.
- Check the south wall for a secret passage to another room and check the north wall
to get to another secret passage with a chest filled with crystals and scrolls.
- Still on Level 2, in the south room and again you'll see levers:
1-bats, 2- a lever, 3- basilisks, 4-mutant giants.
Pull the 2nd lever and that'll open the gate to the east.
- Go up the stairs to Level 3. A mung demon is blocking your path.
There's a door to your west that you can't open, instead go north then east.
The SE door has some supplies and demons, but none of the other doors lead to
anything other than enemies. That lever there (NE room) doesn't appear to do anything.
- Go search for a secret passage in the SW room, proceed and you'll be attacked
by mutant giants. Kill them and go up the stairs.
- Now on Level 4, more enemies await you.
- There's a nasty trap in the NW room with quickfire.
There doesn't seem to be anything else in this room.
- Go to the north room, kill the soldiers, then you'll see Elderan.
Concentrate on him as he's quite Arcane Blow happy.
Kill the guards, and you can take his stuff: resistance ring, blessed sandals, cloak, robe.
- Check the northern doors. The NW one doesn't have anything, the north one
has some fire lizards and some of their eggs.
Pull the lever if you want, I never saw the result.
- There is a force barrier blocking your way to the central staircase.
Check the west wall for a secret passage.
- Go up the trapped passage and look at the bookcases to get some scrolls
including some Empire Records for your quest from The Castle.
- Check the boxes to get a cursed ring, arrows of light, scrolls, a recall crystal,
an Invulnerability elixir, and a wand.
There are 3 books here. Skip the middle book, it drains you.
The others teach you Lightning Spray 3, and give you info.
- Then go down the center staircase to the bottom.
- Check the desk and you'll get an ivory key.
- Leave the tower, and claim your reward from Mairwen (4 rep, 500c, 25xp).
- This is the place to find a regenerating patch of graymold.
- You can't enter this cave from the front. You will need to have gotten the
evidence of a Crystal Soul here from Fort Dolthar
and take it to the vahnatai council in Olgai.
They will give you the information about the back entrance. From the
Empire Docks, take a boat around
that big dungeon you see, and go through the secret passage around back.
- Enter and slay all the giants, then go west out the door.
- Those two doors to the north have araneas and crates in them, nothing great.
- Go south to the courtyard.
- West is a drake, some fire lizards and a graveyard, and east are some
mutant giants.
- South are the barracks. Go south and kill everyone. Then go east and kill
- Go east, and go take a look at the dragon stuff. You'll get a Drakeskin
Armor and Dragonskin Cloak.
- There isn't too much to the south, just a bunch of troops, hydras and a
golem or two. You can also leave if you make it to the wheel.
- From the main barracks go west. Go north and west, search for secret
passages, then go and grab the wands and empire records.
- Go back down and continue west. Many of the living quarters here have a lot
of nice items.
- Continue west, and you'll fight 2 rakhashi. North there's a third, as well
as a chest containing 250cp.
- Now head back up to the NW. Enter the main building, kill the soldiers,
then go up and kill some mages. There are empire records on the shelves.
- Go north, and go into the NW room. Search for secret doors south and you'll
find a tablet that you can read if you have enough vahnatai lore. It's Summon
Shade 3.
- Go west, and enter the rooms. You can either kill or free the giants, same
- Go into a west door and you'll find a tablet which, when read, gives you a
password for the north door. Go through it, then you'll be checked for a gray
pass, go and take the phoenix egg (#2).
- One room has an evil altar. Cast Ritual of Sanctification for 5xp.
- Go up and kill the wizard, then go west. Prepare for another battle with...
A doomguard. Dang. The same tactics as before work well, though if you want to
be cheap, summon up some ur-basilisks and have them gaze it before hitting it.
The basilisk may eventually stone it, though it may take a few turns.
- Go south and save Jekknol-Bok (10xp).
NORTH Northern Islands, Giant Regions /
EAST NE Avernum /
SOUTH Central Sea (North), Fort Dranlon /
WEST Harston Area
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