Avernum 2 Annotated Maps
Underground River Detail Map
NORTH edge of world /
EAST edge of world /
SOUTH Deep Rivers /
WEST edge of world /
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- You arrive in the Ruined Town. There is a boat there for you to navigate through
Chapter Two: Dark Waters.
- There are some Viscous Goo critters to kill.
- Make sure to stop by the Island Hut before you start down the river.
- Once you start down the waterfalls, there is no turning back.
- There is a friendly spirit here. If you are friendly back, it will show up later
with healing should you need it.
- You cannot get into the Barrier Tower from the outside. Only teleportation from
the Tower of Magi can get you in. The code is Ell Pit Esk.
- You arrive here via the tunnel that leads back to
- There is a hidden book that you can read only after you have acquired
Vahnatai Lore skill. Come back here after you have completed Chapter 3.
It gives you the spell Cloud of Blades L3.
- Take the boat out to explore the immediate region and to navigate through
Chapter Two: Deep Waters.
Sail to Vahnatai Lands
- Talk with Bentis-Ka for information about the Vahnatai and to get the quest to
Sail to Vahnatai Lands.
- Read the sign on the outside to get the transporter code to get here (Ell Pit Esk).
- To get inside the tower, you need to be transported here from the Tower of Magi.
- Once you get inside, you can talk with the demon who is trapped on the pentagram.
He will try to convince you to release it. DON'T!!!
- Talk to the wizard, and ask about a book about teleportation. Go and read that book, and
you've completed this quest.
- Head east, and go through the secret door.
Try to read the book (you'll get burned, there's no way around this).
Now go talk with the wizard again, and talk to him about it.
He'll remove the trap, and allow you to read it.
For this you get Dispel barrier 3.
- Go north, and leave this place.
NORTH edge of world /
EAST edge of world /
SOUTH Deep Rivers /
WEST edge of world /
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