Avernum 4 Annotated Maps

Dark Lands

Rentar's Keep
Edge of
the world
M01L1 M01L2 Remote
Dark Lands

Hover over the markers for more details.

Cache: Gold Bar, Heartstriker Bow
Notable items: Infernal Helm, Flaming Sword

More friendly vahnatai are towards the south. Talk with Monoaha-Tel to initiate a charge. I prefer not having their help just yet, as they will help you later much more so than right now.

Enemies here include undead and a gazer. Also, the hated pylons are here. Kill them if you can, perhaps while they're still neutral. You should be able to kill them in one turn now.

To the NW you will find the all-powerful Heartstriker Bow, which has the highest damage potential of any weapon in the game. You will need 25 nature lore to uncover it though, so it's your choice as to whether you want to invest so much for it. Head north and you'll find a haakai. It's hostile, naturally. On death it drops an Infernal Helm and a Flaming Sword.

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