Avernum 4 Annotated Maps

Remote Lands

Khoth's Ruins
M11L1 M11L2 Remote
The Abyss

Hover over the markers for more details.

Notable items: Explorer's ring, assassin's shield Craftsmen:
Craftmaster Strine
Opal Chain - Gold Necklace, Focus crystal, Mandrake Root, Glowing Basalt
Leaden Band - Platinum Ring, 2 focus crystals, mandrake root, icy geode
Venomous Blade - Fine waveblade, 2 focus crystals, mandrake root, swamp nodule
*** All Herbs = Knowledge brew or shielding brew ****

Eye Krotus is here. Kill it, and its slaves. It drops an extremely valuable explorer's ring, and an assassin's shield can be found nearby.

Head down the nearby stairs, dispel the barriers, disarm the traps, loot the chests, then head up the nearby stairs. Upstairs is your best friend in the game- craftmaster Strine. He will make some moderately potent artifacts for you if you kill the eyebeast across the way. Most important of all, he will make knowledge brews for you from all of your herbs. I had about 42 mandrake roots by this time, and was able to get them all made into potions.

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