Avernum 4 Annotated Maps

Dark Lands

Dark Lands
Edge of
the world
M03L1 M03L2 The Abyss
Remote Lands

Hover over the markers for more details.

Notable items: Stability boots

A vahnatai greets you. You can either have him join you in fighting, or take everything on yourself. Either way works. If you follow them, they'll show you the easy way to the end of this map. It's the way that has the least obnoxious enemies. Then again, you miss some items and experience going that way. Near the south center of the map are groups of infernal worms that guard some minor goods, including a wisdom crystal. Other items of enemies of note include a gazer and skeleton warriors to the south, a vahnatai necromancer to the west (drops some stability boots), and a bunch of demons to the NW.

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