Avernum 4 Annotated Maps

Fort Saffron

The Spire Fortress
M17L1 M17L2 The Scree
The Great Cave

Hover over the markers for more details.

  • Saffron Brigands - 400xp, Bow of Decay
  • Liberate the Spire - 100xp, 2000c
  • Bandit Lair - 25xp, 750c
  • Elixir Needed - 100xp, 400c, 2 Restoration Elixers
  • Message for Bargha - 35xp, allows you to buy excellent armor

Notable items: Bow of Decay
Stats: Augmentation +1, Prismatic Shield +1

This town is one of the last towns before the Abyss. Commander Elphaba here will talk with you and inform you of the situation. She's worried about the Darkside Loyalists, and it's your job to help her out. Incantor Hermes fills in a bit more of the story. His office is fairly suspicious, and you can gain a few points in Augmentation, and Prismatic shield from his book. The last person of note here is Kasaz, who doesn't do too much, but is the object of a job. Attor Feral will buy from you. Check out the trapped passageway in the NW corner of the map. No bandits, fortunately. When ready, head up the east and go attack the brigands.

There's a job board in town. Grab the quests: Liberate the Spire, Bandit Lair (750c), Elixir Needed (3 curing elixirs needed, traded for 2 restoration elixirs and 400c), Message for Bargha.

When you return, confront Hermes. He'll attack with his fungi, but isn't too hard with lightning spray. Talk with the commander for your reward (a bow of decay). Then talk with her about sparing some troops for Blosk.

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