Avernum 4 Annotated Maps

Eastern Gallery

Slime Tunnels
M84L1 M84L2 Eastern
Near Fort Dranlon

Hover over the markers for more details.

Caches: Beautiful Crystal, Lovely Crystal, 3 x flawed crystal
Notable items: Blessed Short Sword, Bonding Knife
Stats: Lightning Spray +1

Grob's saw is located in the SE section of this map, along with a bunch of caches.

Skunky Joe and his band of goons are near the north center of this map. Prepare for battle before attacking him, as he's pretty easy if you get the drop on him. Otherwise, he'll cast a few nasty spells that will rapidly render you unconscious. Once he's dead, explore his hideout. You'll find some nice items, including a jeweled wand and a blessed short sword, and a spell book that improves your lightning spray.

You can enter the sublevel of this area from the area just to the south, (NR) Near Fort Dranlon. Head to the NW and you'll find the third trial. This trial has you fighting an automaton with magic. Whatever you do, don't hit it with weapons. It'll just charm you. Hit it with lightning first, then change the magic you hit it with to suit the hints it gives ("fiery" = firebolt, "blue" = Ice/smite). When it dies, it lets you get a bonding knife.

The east path from the central area has spiders, the north path has more spiders and a bursting spider which bursts into 3 more spiders on death. It's guarding a scroll and some crystals. You can head west to (E0) Eastern Gallery.

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