Avernum 5 Annotated Maps

Northern Isles

Northern Isles
M12L1 M12L2 Shanker's
Northern Isles

Hover over the markers for more details.

Notable items: Girdle of Dexterity, Ruby Breastplate
Caches: Healing Herbs

These are the islands near the rapids that Duaria wants you to check out. The way in is slightly hidden for both islands, but carefully patrol the perimeter of both and you'll see a way in. The southern island is home to a sea ogre. Go ahead and kill it. The northern island is home to a bunch of testy nepharim. Kill them if you like, one drops a girdle of dexterity. Head north, and there's a small pullout from the water. Go down the pit and you'll face a number of spiny stoneworms. Use spells to kill them. Then kill the lurking gargoyle (again with spells). It drops a ruby breastplate on death.

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