Avernum Annotated Maps
The 'walkthrough' consists of references to the maps in the approximate order
I visited them - though sometimes I visited the 'safe' areas of a map and went back
to the dangerous stuff later. Below each map is more information applicable to the stage
of the walkthrough the map exists on.
Those descriptions are incomplete. Here's the ones I've done so far:
- December 30th, 2000: First Area and Newbielande.
But here's the recommended map order, and you could just read around the edges of the maps
and figure out what you need:
- First Area
- Newbielande
- Cotra
- Formello Area
- Motrax Maze
- Fort Draco Area
- Nephar Fort
- Nephilim Fortress
- Northern Avernum
- Mertis Area
- Tower of Magi Area
- What I did next was wander around the great cave and kill some wandering monsters
and talk to lots of people before I did any more dungeon crawling or killing things.
So that would be:
- Lava Pits
- Almaria
- The Castle
- Blosk Area
- Tower Of Patrick
- Dharmon Area
- Fort Remote Area
- By now I was tougher and better equipped, but had this whole "go kill the Slith
King" quest which sounded like it would be really tough. So instead of running off and doing it,
I did two things: I finished off the dungeons in the East Cave, and explored
the lands behind the Chasm (though without jumping into any of the dungeons or really
dangerous sounding encounters).
- Fort Dranlon Area
- Honeycomb
- Northern Avernum
- Chasm Of The Spire
- Spire
- Bargha
- Erika's Tower
- By then the lands beyond the chasm were seeming really dangerous, and I couldn't
complete the Erika's Tower find-all-the-herbs subquest without the Orb. And I was
really curious about the Orb, anyway, so off I ran to Cotra to buy a boat and next
up was:
- Waterfall Warren
- Then while out on the sea, I decided to try out the Slith and see if they were "all that".
Fortunately, since I had spent extra time toughening up, they weren't. I hit the Slith
Fort and Swamp City mentioned in Fort Dranlon first, then
- Slith Islands North
- Slith Temple
- By now if you don't have the Orb of Thralni, you need to go get it - it's essential for
flying over chasms keeping you out of cool caves.
- Scree Pits
- Finally, after essentially wiping out the slith population, I went after the king
- Slith Islands South
- I ran back to the Castle and discovered Grah-Hoth was on the loose. I didn't feel up to taking
demonlordy yet (and had quite a few subquests to do before I could) so I wandered around.
I had the Orb so I could re-visit Erika's tower, and explored some other places:
- Giant Lands
- River Fork
- Northern Islands
- Swampy Caverns
- Sulfur Caverns
- Lair of Khoth
- Lost Bahssikava
- Drake Tunnels
- Exit Gauntlet
- This was also a good time to revisit places that seemed really too dangerous the first
time I was near them, like the fort in the Lava Pits, the Lair of Athron in the Honeycomb,
Gremlin's Gold in Fort Remote Area. Then I was running out of things to do except finish
the game, so it was off to
- The Crypt of Drath
- Skarragath and the Prison of Grah-Hoth
- And back to Fort Draco to build Demonslayer and the Tower of Magi to kill the demon hidden therein.
Finally, I really did have all I needed to set off on the major quests:
- Realm of Grah-Hoth
- back to the Exit Gauntlet for real this time, and
- The Assassination of Hawthorne
- And that's that. Wait for sequel. Decide to write a help site. Look for things I missed.
You can write me at hasen@flash.net - let me know if
I missed or misspelled anything.
Copyright and Authorship Info
Avernum is copyright 2000-2001 by Spiderweb Software, Inc. -
http://www.spiderwebsoftware.com, All Rights Reserved.
"Avernum" and "Spiderweb Software" are trademarks of Spiderweb Software, Inc.
The annotated maps were made by silver Harloe
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