Avernum 2 Annotated Maps
Central Sea (North) Detail Map
NORTH Northern Avernum /
EAST Fort Dranlon /
SOUTH Central Sea (South) /
WEST Waterfall Warrens
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- Visit the Dark Tunnel for some good experience and Divine Fire L3.
- Visit the Black Cube for more experience and another way to get the
'Skulls' password for the Empire Caches quest.
- Killing the basilisks in the southeast yields a Drakeskin helmet.
- If you have enough Cave Lore you can avoid the trap with the Addictive Mushrooms.
Otherwise, if you eat them more than a few times, you get stuck here and the Empire troops
come along and kill you.
- If you try to loot the house in the southeast you will trigger an encounter with
some guardians and black shades. You must be very strong to survive this encounter.
- Get in through the NW. Wander around the halls a bit, grab all the stuff in the crates.
- Some golems will appear and attack you. When you've made it all the way around,
you can flip the lever. This summons a batch of undead up to fight with you.
- Go east and search the south wall. You'll find some troops waiting in there.
Kill them, then go south.
- Get close to the crystal and some efreet attack.
Kill them and examine the crystal to get the 'skulls' password, then smash it (20xp).
- This is the other way of obtaining the skulls password.
- More golems appear on the way out.
- This is a spooky dungeon west of the black cube. Enter it, and go west.
- Get to the SW room and fight some ice slimes. Kill them, then go north.
- In the NW there's an efreet, kill it and take its stuff.
- In the NE there's a bunch of undead. Kill them too.
- In the secret passage to the north there is a ghost who gives you hints about this place.
- In the SE there's another efreet guarding some jewelry, and a cursed necklace.
- Then go to the center. Prepare for a battle before stepping on that rune, then do so.
You'll fight a bunch of skeleton warriors, a golem, a spectre and a lich.
Repel spirit works wonders here.
Once dead, search the lich's body for a dragonskin cloak and intelligence bracelet.
- Go west, then north. There's some crystals here, and a wand in the dresser.
- Read the upper book to get Divine fire 3.
- Read the lower book to get in a fight with a bunch of demons.
- While you leave, be sure to cut all the corners. Quickfire pours out of the dungeon,
and you could quickly get burned if you don't economize your steps.
NORTH Northern Avernum /
EAST Fort Dranlon /
SOUTH Central Sea (South) /
WEST Waterfall Warrens
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