Avernum 2 Annotated Maps
Central Sea (South) Detail Map
NORTH Central Sea (North) /
EAST Central Avernum /
SOUTH The Castle Area /
WEST Scree Pits
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- The destroyed village in the northeast is the evidence Assotho of
Gnass wants.
- The north arena has Ice Drakes to be killed.
Search their lair for a Ring of Health.
- You don't get anything but xp for killing the shamblers.
- The south arena is full of nagas to be killed.
Search the arena afterwards for a crystal shield.
- There are three groups of Empire forces guarding arount Fort Dolthar.
If you have a blue or gray pass, they go away without a fight. Of course
once you enter Fort Dolthar and begin your attack, no pass will prevent these
dudes from attacking you on your way out. If you want to avoid them completely,
you can sneak in the back way.
- The best way to enter is by the dock south. Search for secret doors and
you'll end up near an evil altar. Kill the priests and use the ritual on the
altar for 5xp.
- There's not too much of use on this level (though an evil priest to the
north has a steel chain mail), but there are a lot of troops and their nice
expensive armor. It'd be worth it to kill em all for the xp, but the cash also
makes it attractive. There's an easy 15000c in armor in this fort.
- When you're done on this floor, go up the stairs to the next floor. West
is an enemy training area, east are some mages, and there are empire records on
those bookshelves.
- Once you go to the north door, the gate you came out of closes.
- Go north, and then head east, kill the soldiers, and note that there's a
way down near here.
- Go north, and you'll see that you're near a vahnatai area. Indeed, when you
open the door, you'll have to fight a bunch of keepers, warriors, and their
demon pets.
- To the SE in this room is a small secret which has a box with some graymold.
- Go north, don't step on those rugs; they are a trapdoor to a basilisk den on
level 1. Search for secret doors to go around them. You'll end up in a room
with two vahnatai cabinets. Look through them and you'll find a second batch of
evidence indicating a crystal soul taken to Pyrogs Cave.
- Now go west, killing troops till you get to a room with two runes blocking
your way.
- You'll need to pull to levers which are hidden in the east and north walls.
Pull them then go up. Prepare for a battle. Once you open the door, you'll
have to fight Limoncelli and his cronies.
- Limoncellli is a nice addition to a soul crystal. Once killed (just smack him around)
loot his body: drakeskin armor, steel halberd, freedom charm.
- Search for northern secret passages and you'll find a room with bolts of life,
emeralds, and rubies (and quickfire).
- Search north of here and you'll find the most excellent boots of speed.
- Leave this place and claim your reward from Fort Emerald (talk with the guy to the
north, on the stairs): 4 rep, 40xp, dispel barrier 2.
- You can take the evidence to the vahnatai council, and they'll work on getting
you into Pyrog's cave (which starts the sneak into Pyrog's cave quest).
NORTH Central Sea (North) /
EAST Central Avernum /
SOUTH The Castle Area /
WEST Scree Pits
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