Avernum 2 Annotated Maps
Cotra Area Detail Map
NORTH East Avernum /
EAST Silvar Area /
SOUTH Honeycomb /
WEST Central Avernum
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- Bands of raiders allied with the Empire, eye beasts with various monsters,
wander the area near Cotra. There are also bands of Empire troops spawned here.
- There are three bands of Empire troops near the entrance to the Crystal Tunnel,
each one tougher than the last, including a difficult wizard, and a dervish.
In the end, you get to bask in the crystal cave, which gives you +1 to strength.
Destroy Cotra Smelter
- 1 rep, 10xp
- There are lots of ghouls, gazers, ghasts, eyebeast, giant slugs, and empire troops about.
- In the far NE, you'll find Yong-mi who gives you the "destroy the empire smelters" quest,
worth 1 rep and 10xp.
- A bit south, but still in the NE quadrant you'll find a locked door which, when opened,
yields a vampire to fight.
- In the NW quadrant (using move mountains to get in) are the eyebeasts.
They fall pretty easily to fire magic, but the gazers are pretty annoying.
- Once you make it past their main lair, you'll find a spellbook with Smite L3,
and a steel halberd.
- You can sneak in to destroy the smelters by using the secret passage then
Move Mountains against the back wall; or you can take the frontal assault approach
and kill all the Empire soldiers in front of it.
You may find a warrior's ring on one of the bodies.
- The chest with the Empire Records will also let you find out the location
of the nearby empire base.
- Loot the body south of the smelters for an Armor Ring.
- You can get a free boat.
- Here is one of the places you find a blue pass.
- There's not too much in the way of other goodies here, just a wand
on the bookshelf to the NE, some gold to the SE, and some Empire Records to the NW.
NORTH East Avernum /
EAST Silvar Area /
SOUTH Honeycomb /
WEST Central Avernum
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