Avernum 2 Annotated Maps
Central Avernum Detail Map
NORTH Fort Dranlon Area /
EAST Cotra Area, Honeycomb /
SOUTH Almaria Area /
WEST Central Sea (South), The Castle Area
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- There is the body of an Empire agent with a bag of scrolls. Keep trying to
grab one until you get the message telling you the password to the Empire Caches.
Once you have it you can complete the quest to Destroy the Empire Caches.
- One of the islands has a quest item, specifically a package to be delivered to Dharmon.
- The hostile Slith village has a large number of sliths along with a Slith Chief.
- The Empire camp is a good one time special encounter.
- Killing the shamblers in the southeast yields you a Blessed Longsword.
- There is a regenerating patch of Healing Herbs in a hidden passage of the southeast.
- The first tower you see in the south is a trap containing an Ice Drake and some
Ice Puddings. The necklace the Drake drops is a cursed Harm Charm.
- Cast Beast Ceremony before entering the entry hall because you run into a bunch of Empire troops.
Kill them, and search the area. It seems as though they've been having a bit of trouble with traps.
- The imps in the the east chamber don't appear until you are halfway across the room.
- Head south, and you'll have to fight a bunch of living statues. Kill them, then check the east
wall for secret passages. On the west side of the room is a weak wall that you can take down to
get a cermonial dagger.
- Follow it through to the south, then go east. Make your way to the NE, then pull the lever.
Kill everything that appears, then go west.
- Go through the open gate, and make your way to a statue.Talk with it, and it'll tell you where
to find a map. Go grab the map and leave.
- Drop all your food at the entrance. Trust me. Then go down and pull the levers 1, 2, 4, 5:
( //\//\ )
- Then go up and kill the giants, and go up through the secret passage.
- Look around and kill anything that moves. Get to the north, then go west as far as you can.
- Go through the secret passage, past the statues (which would have eaten your food if you still had some),
and kill the drakes.
- Then use move mountains on the wall, kill the hydras, and go north then east. Look in the nest
for a Rod of Arcana.
- Go west (destroy the stalagmites with move mountains), and kill the ice hydras and the ur-basilisk
(capture it in your soul crystal if you want it).
- Then go to the south and use move mountains again, destroying the wall. Enter the room,
and tell Sixus that Bevan sent you. He'll thank you and tell you to grab a treasure hidden on the south
side of his wall. It's a Robe of the Magi, very nice if your mage isn't a natural mage.
- Go south, and read the books on the bookcases, then use move mountains on the east wall
to get Beast Ceremony 3.
- That's it for here, go back to Almaria to claim your reward: 75 xp(!), 4 rep, 600c.
Don't forget to pick up your food.
NORTH Fort Dranlon Area /
EAST Cotra Area, Honeycomb /
SOUTH Almaria Area /
WEST Central Sea (South), The Castle Area
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