Avernum 2 Annotated Maps
Honeycomb Detail Map
NORTH Cotra Area /
EAST Mertis Area /
SOUTH SteamCavern /
WEST Central Avernum
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- Bands of bandits regenerate in the area. They tend to run away if your
reputation is high.
- You may see some gremlins. Save your game and go up to them.
If they give you a special message like they run up and hug you,
then these are the special gremlins. Reload and keep talking with
the till they attack (they do reappear if they hug you or run away,
but it's best to take care of them now). For this you get a spidersilk shirt,
a decent piece of armor, especially for a mage.
- When you first pass the statues outside of Athron's Lair, you will be
attacked by some eyebeasts.
- This dungeon is crawling with bandits, mages, spiders and a few aranea.
I won't try to pinpoint them all.
- Entering from the north or west puts you in the NW corner with a few spiders.
- Entering from the south puts you in the SE corner.
- Enter from the east, and follow the blue line marked on the map. If you go
straight south, you will find yourself in the loop just south of the one you enter into.
- Once you find yourself at the Entry Point, you can use Move Mountains, and dispel the
barrier to get to Portal A. This will transport you directly to the front door of their hideout.
Otherwise, you will have to fight your way past their ambush points, which you can only attack
from a distance.
- If you head north of the Entry Point, you will find Portal C hidden in a side passage.
This portal takes you to the Spider Nest on the east side.
- Use the lever to open a secret door to get at more bandits.
- Killing the eyebeast is what is required to fulfill the quest to kill these guys.
- Collect all the weapons and armor to replenish your cash flow. Don't forget all
the goodies such as wands, Freedom Charm and the Nimble Gloves.
- Portal B takes you to the NE entrance tunnel.
- Enter here, then go up to the pentagram and speak with Athron.
- Then go east at the bloodstain and go through the portal.
- Go through the second portal. If you haven't talked with Erika it will kick
you out of the dungeon. Otherwise it sends you to the NE section where you get
to fight the flame hydras.
- Before going into the portal check the west path for secret doors, kill the
statues, then go down the first south cullway and get Create Illusions 3. Go
through the portal back to the entrance.
- Go back through the first two portals again. Another puzzle rune area.
Here's the sequence: 1234123121, left to right.
- Repeat the portals, then go and get prepared for a fight in the altar room.
Go through the NW wall to get back to the entrance.
- Go through the same portals as always. Finally she'll speak with you. It
turns out she just had a brood, and that's why she's in such a foul mood. Talk
with her and she'll tell you the name Angierach. She'll also tell you a bit more
about the other going-ons nearby.
- From Lynsis: In Athron's lair there's another Ghoulbane. However it's down
near her eggs, and walking down there makes you lose 3 reputation and have the
town hate you. You get attacked by Athron, a couple of fetid zombies, and quite
a few guardians. As well as Ghoulbane you can grab some rubies, emeralds, and
historical scrolls, but don't touch her eggs or you die!
- If you kill Athron you get the message: "Athron finally falls. You repay her
hospitality with fatal treachery. Another enemy of the empire has been eliminated."
NORTH Cotra Area /
EAST Mertis Area /
SOUTH SteamCavern /
WEST Central Avernum
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