Avernum 2 Annotated Maps
East Avernum Detail Map
NORTH NE Avernum, Formello Area /
EAST edge of world /
SOUTH Cotra Area, Silvar Area /
WEST Fort Dranlon Area
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- Regenerating enemy in the eastern half of this region includes:
Rogue Warriors w/ Empire Archers.
- There are several types of regenerating enemy in the western half of this region:
Null bugs, Cave slime w/ Viscous Goo, Spore Beasts w/ Giant Slugs.
- Kosdad is the guy to get your low to medium level Mage spells from. He is Extremly Cheap.
- There's a basilisk east of him, you can kill it without hassle,
but don't get anything (maybe capture it in your soul crystal).
- There is an Empire raiding party in the north that you can take out and help some fellow
Avernite soldiers and gain 1 rep for your trouble.
- A band of enemy Sliths wanders over the western half of this region.
- The Nephilim of the village will tell you there is a regenerating patch of graymold
in the swamp area to the east of them. It is protected by 5 Giant Slugs.
- Taking the stuff from the supply cache will trigger an encounter with some enemy Vahnatai.
- To find the Secret Sliths lair, find the totem poles just west of the Nephilim village,
and walk due west.
- This fort is teeming with Nepharim Warriors and Nephar Shamans, with a few giants
thrown in for flavor. I will only point out the the unusual types of enemies.
- In the SW, there's a bunch of shamans and a room with bookcases (on which there are scrolls).
NW of this room is a secret room in which you can obtain Beast Ceremony 2, an excellent spell.
- To the East is a nephar chieftain who's holding a Steel Greatsword and Drakeskin Boots.
- In the temple, take the potion on the left, it's a knowledge brew
(the other is a Poison Elixer, ugh), and will give you 5 skill points when drunk.
When you do, you've got to fight 3 demons. See the Walkthrough
for pointers on how to kill these suckers.
- The treasure chest in the north contains a Silver Necklace, a Silver Bracelet,
an Emerald and a Wand of Carrunos.
- Get the key from the desk in the hidden office. Use the key on the door to the lever,
then pull the lever. You'll free the nephilim. Go back to Silvar to claim your prize (25xp, 4 rep).
- You'll enter the secret slith's hideout in the NW corner.
- The slith chief drops some nice stuff: Dexterity Bracelet, Drakeskin Boots, fine slith spear.
- To get past the rune to the boat you need to go down the secret passage in the SE.
and bathe in each of the three pools.
- Don't read the rune! It reduces the Intelligence of all your PC's by 2 points.
- The unidentified ring and boots are cursed.
- Hop into the boat, then get to the island. If you know the ritual from Pathass,
you can get the slith charm.
- In the NE corner of the upper level, you'll get a lot of food, and some nice treasure,
most notably a Resistance skill crystal.
- In the NW corner of the upper level, the slith archmage is a decent soul crystal catch.
- Bring down the stalactite with a move mountains spell, then look around.
You'll have to fight 3 batches of undead: wights, spectres and vampires.
One of the vampires has a radiant robe (blocks magic damage).
- Go back to Fort Duvno to claim your reward: 300c, 4 rep, and 25xp.
- Go to Gnass to get 2 rep, 30xp, and Sanctuary 3.
NORTH NE Avernum, Formello Area /
EAST edge of world /
SOUTH Cotra Area, Silvar Area /
WEST Fort Dranlon Area
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