Avernum 2 Annotated Maps
Scree Pits Detail Map
NORTH Waterfall Warren /
EAST Central Sea (South) /
SOUTH Blosk Area /
WEST Empire Lands (Central)
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- There are a couple of ways into this region. One by boat via the Waterfall Warren,
and the other from the south from Gnass or Fort Emerald. You need a red pass to get
past the gate, but you earn 5xp for doing so.
- A group of quickghasts roams the area as well as a harmless bunch of cave cows.
- If you have Graymold Salve, you can heal the Ice Drake in the southern tunnel. He will
then teach all your PC's one point in Magery Skill (for a mere 5000cp)! Wait until you
have seen Solberg who will only sell 5 levels of this skill so you can gain an extra point.
- There are some undead in the hidden tunnel nearby.
- You cannot pass the gate to the west. If you approache it, you will be attacked and
pushed back.
- There is a patrol of Empire troops on the road who will attack you if you get near.
- In the northeast corner is another group of undead. Past them is a group of vampires
and shamblers. Kill them, search their lair again for a Blessed Bow.
- More undead guard a body in the north which has a Crystal Charm on it.
- This fort has lots of Empire troops fighting undead, who will also attack you.
- There is a bar of silver in one of the crates in the foundry.
- In the tunnels to the east is a body with some Empire Records.
- In the northeast corner is a pit where the undead come from. Kill the vampires
and their minions to get to the bodies. One of them has a Blessed Greatsword.
Cast Ritual of Sanctification here for 5xp, but you still can't close the pit.
- In the Dervish's private quarters is another Blue Pass as well as more Empire Records.
If you got the Blue Pass from the Secret Fort near Cotra, you can now complete the
Fort Remote quest for a Blue Pass for 4rep, 30xp
- The hidden treasure chest contains bars of silver, Graymold Salve, Protection Brew
and Blessed Arrows as well as 150cp.
NORTH Harston Area /
EAST Central Sea (North) /
SOUTH Scree Pits /
WEST Empire Lands (North)
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