Avernum 2 Annotated Maps
Waterfall Warren Detail Map
NORTH Harston Area /
EAST Central Sea (North) /
SOUTH Scree Pits /
WEST Empire Lands (North)
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Help Barbaric Sliths
- 10xp, Mind Crystal: Pathfinder
- The Barbaric Sliths give you a quest to help them. If you have a slith in
your party, you learn they want a tool to build their houses. Give them a hammer
(one can be found at the location on the map) for 10xp and a Pathfinder Mind Crystal.
- Ignore the pools on the west side. One drains your spell points and causes disease,
the other restores your spell points, but still causes disease.
- The passage in the SW leads to the Abysss, but it is guarded by an Empire force
and a group of enemy Avernites conscripted by the the Empire. You can defeat these
forces, but you cannot pass the gate into the Abyss.
- Once you leave the Waterfall Warren to the SE, you can complete the quest given
to by Julio in Almaria.
- First, go search those barrels and crates, then go dump them in the water.
- Go to the NE then go step on the left rune, and go through the right passage.
Go down the secret passage and stairs. You end up in an area with what look to be
a bunch of vahnatai crystals. They summon up shades every now and then. Get next
to them and bust them to make them stop. Do this on all of them, then go down and
open the SE door. Grab the key in the dresser. Go up the stairs.
- The crates and barrels will have reappeared. Get rid of them again. Go to the
NE and step on the right rune, then go in the left passage and down the stairs.
You'll have to choose a character for this part. I chose my priest. Send them in,
and go through the door. You'll find an odd area with a bunch of slimes, divine fire
them into charred slime. Look at the box and you'll get another key. Go back up the stairs.
- Check the ENE section of this quad. You'll find a secret passage with a golem and
some potions.
- Now go down to the SE quad. Enter the swampy area, and get prepared for a fight.
6 shamblers come, kill them, then go into the room on the right. Three statues want things.
One of them you can satisfy right away, dump some food on the square in front of him.
The others you'll have to go back to the NE quad and step on the runes, pilot the
crates and barrels back on the rugs. Then pull the lever. You'll get 3 secret passwords;
Plor, Fump, Quib. Go down the stairs (you'll be checked for a gray pass).
- Try to go through the door, you'll be accosted by a bunch of mutant lizards and
a black shade.
- Go on through and go west, kill the basilisks, then go through sa west secret door.
- Some barriers will be blocking your path. Bring them down, then get prepared for
a nasty fight with the DOOMGUARD. Finally, once it's dead, go and check the chests.
You'll find some herbs, and a cursed ring.
- Go north and you'll find a secret attached room. In this you'll find an armor ring,
some gold and a blessed crossbow, very nice.
- Leave this place. Go to the SW quad, and open the door. Get prepared for another
fight with a bunch of guardians and black shades. Note that some will spawn behind you
once you start down the hall. Use haste L3, Divine Warrior to kill them, and Summon Aid
to help you find the buggers. Kill them and go down the stairs.
- This part is a bit difficult. There are 4 ways north, labeled 1-4, left to right.
Go up 3 and you'll hear a click. This opens up 0, another way north. Go up it, and
you'll hear another click which merely expands this area, go a bit north, and you'll
get to another area. Hit the easterly clicker (just hit this one- if you hit a second,
go back and hit the one again), then go to 4 and go north. Through all of this there
are plenty of enemies to distract you.
- Some giants will be guarding the door, kill them, and enter. You'll use those keys
you found to open the other doors.
- You'll be greeted by a bunch of eyebeasts, kill them and go up the stairs.
At each place you'll use a code you got from the SE area, and will get a spidersilk shirt,
an energy pulse crystal and the blessed athame (the object of this quest).
- Finally. Pull a lever, kill the black shades and get out of here.
- The blessed athame is a great tool. Go back to the serpent cult and open up
the book on the second floor to get Repel Spirit 3.
I suggested that you get the athame before going to the ziggurat because there's
a nice spell in there that's locked by a seal (severable by the athame),
and you don't really want to go back after getting the athame.
NORTH Harston Area /
EAST Central Sea (North) /
SOUTH Scree Pits /
WEST Empire Lands (North)
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