Travel With Irony Central

Remember when people used to travel the world? That was nice. We traveled a little, back when it was possible. We visited interesting places and wrote mean things about them. As time passes, we will put those journals here. Then we can laugh together at people who are different from us.


The Story About the Baby, Volume 13.

ByspidwebSep 25, 20208 min read

Our darling little hand-suckin’ spud girl just ticked over into her fourth month. As I understand it, she is about to gain the ability to roll over. This means that, any night now, she will roll onto her stomach and suffocate. Sure, this seems counter-intuitive, considering the countless humans who…

The Story About the Baby, Volume 14.

ByspidwebSep 25, 20208 min read

It’s been a relaxing week here at parenting central. Thanks to the presence of my parents, the raising of my three month old daughter Cordelia has gone smoothly and easily. At least, that’s my best guess, as I have been absent for much of it. I am very relaxed now,…

The Story About the Baby, Volume 15.

ByspidwebSep 25, 20208 min read

It has been an eventful week in the life of my 3.5 month old daughter, Cordelia Krizsan Vogel, a week of exploration, learning, and growth. Or so I was told. Because I wasn’t around. For most of the week, I was Undaddy, a blissfully absent being, spending several days a…

The Story About the Baby, Volume 16.

ByspidwebSep 28, 20207 min read

My daughter, Cordelia Krizsan Vogel, is approaching the end of her fourth month in Her position as First Child in her family. Recently, I had to call her into the head office for a bit of a discussion. I informed her that, while we appreciated her contributions to the family…

The Story About the Baby, Volume 17.

ByspidwebSep 28, 20207 min read

So what is that word for when everything is going great, and everyone is calm and happy and complacent, and suddenly, almost overnight, everything goes straight to hell and you have no idea what is going on with anything anymore? What’s that word again? Oh yeah. “Teething.” There is a…

The Story About the Baby, Volume 18.

ByspidwebSep 28, 20208 min read

Our little girl, Cordelia, is well into her fourth month, and I can fully see the reason to become a parent. If I hadn’t gotten a kid, the last four months would just have flown by, click, click, click, click, without my even noticing them. Having a child, however, slows…