Travel With Irony Central

Remember when people used to travel the world? That was nice. We traveled a little, back when it was possible. We visited interesting places and wrote mean things about them. As time passes, we will put those journals here. Then we can laugh together at people who are different from us.


The Story About the Toddler, Volume 32.

ByspidwebOct 6, 20207 min read

Our daughter Cordelia is four now, and I’m just about through with writing about her. She just had her birthday party. It was a regular kid party, with her friends and cake and the parents of her friends sitting around and making awkward conversation. No fights. Nobody secretly boning anyone…

The Story About the Toddler, Epilogue.

ByspidwebOct 6, 20207 min read

Four years ago, my first child was born, so I started these journals. Four days ago, my second child was born, so I’m pretty much stopping. I think that everything anyone can possibly reasonably say about the experience of creating human life, I have now said. Except for a few…

Helpful, Non-Threatening Quiz: Am I a Serial Killer?

ByJeff VogelDec 3, 20204 min read
Helpful, Non-Threatening Quiz: Am I a Serial Killer?

As anyone who has been paying attention knows, the most important single element holding American culture together is serial killers. Those crafty fellows are everywhere, with their wily ways, their suave manner, and their masks made of skin. There are crafty serial killers. Spooky serial killers with private cities built…

The Lord of the Rings: A Brief, Correct Analysis

ByspidwebDec 14, 20204 min read
The Lord of the Rings: A Brief, Correct Analysis

If you saw the Lord of the Rings movies, like me, and you thought it kicked total ass, you are a right-thinking person. Not the Hobbit trilogy, which was overlong, exhausting, and terrible, but the proper movies. However, if you saw Fellowship of the Ring and so on, there are…


ByspidwebJan 13, 20212 min read

THEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING EXAM 1 Professor Vogel. 5 Questions, 60 Minutes. You may use a calculator, the Bible, the Koran, the Torah, and the Book of Mormon. The speed of light is c. Show all work. For all problems, assume a perfectly spherical Jesus of constant density D. No praying during…