Category: Story About The Baby

The Story About the Baby, Epilogue.

That’s it. We’ve had our baby girl Cordelia one full year. I’ve written a book’s worth of text about the creature. And since that’s more than I would ever actually…

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The Story About the Baby, Volume 52.

Our little girl Cordelia is now one year old. The big o-n-e. Fifty two long weeks of not turning blue. We did the holiday up right. We took a vacation….

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The Story About the Baby, Volume 51.

Our baby girl Cordelia is one week shy of her first birthday, and it’s like someone gave her smart pills or something. She’s showing real signs of brain activity. She…

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The Story About the Baby, Volume 50.

Our baby daughter Cordelia is almost a year old. She is, you will be pleased to hear, still alive. Most of the credit for her continued survival goes to my…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 50.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 49.

Our baby daughter Cordelia is 11 months old now. And Christmas happened. I was really wondering if presents and holiday festivities would be enough to crack through my daughter’s Infant…

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The Story About the Baby, Volume 48.

As our baby daughter Cordelia creeps closer to the end of her first year, she continues to pick up on the countless tiny skills she’ll need to get through life….

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 48.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 47.

Now that my baby Cordelia is approaching the end of her eleventh month, she has been developing her ability to express negative opinions. While crying when she is upset is…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 47.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 46.

Our ten month old daughter Cordelia is cute. So cute. I could tell you all the cute things she does. Or I would, if it wouldnt be so mind-numbingly boring…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 46.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 45.

Our ten month old daughter Cordelia continues to develop at great speed. Babies are great for that. Every day, her desperate quest for mobility moves visibly closer to completion. A…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 45.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 44.

I’m sort of ashamed of how much more engaging I find my ten month old daughter Cordelia these days. I feel like it should not have taken actual evidence of…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 44.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 43.

Our baby daughter Cordelia turned ten months old today. She has been having a growth spurt in the brain region. Every day, she becomes visibly better at basic person things….

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 43.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 42.

Our baby daughter Cordelia is well over nine months old, and I am told that she is doing very well. Since the house is packed with grandparents, I am currently…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 42.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 41.

Our baby daughter Cordelia is still alive. At the age of nine months, she is advancing in all the expected ways. She is crawling better – she is now using…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 41.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 40.

So what has our nine month old daughter Cordelia been up to? Well, her crawling speed has doubled in the last week. She can really scuttle now. And she has…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 40.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 39.

Our darling daughter Cordelia is now a full nine months old. She scares me. When I first thought about having a baby (well, having my wife have a baby), I…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 39.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 38.

Soon, our baby daughter Cordelia will be nine months old. Other people think that the first birthday is really important. I’m much more interested in the beginning of her ninth…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 38.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 37.

Our baby daughter Cordelia is over 8 months now and … blah, blah, blah. Who cares? We have a Nintendo now! Surprisingly, it is my wife that is addicted to…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 37.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 36.

As of this writing, my wife and I are still raising Cordelia, our eight month old daughter. It’s sort of grueling, thankless work at this point. My wife and I…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 36.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 35.

Now that my daughter Cordelia is eight months old, I should now bring loyal readers of this journal up to date on her status. She is a spine-stressing twenty pounds…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 35.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 34.

Our baby girl, Cordelia, is approaching the end of her eighth month of life. Her little brain continues to develop in leaps and bounds. Every day she gets closer to…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 34.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 33.

Our baby daughter Cordelia has almost completed her eighth month of life. Her time is mostly spent muttering random syllables and trying to move straight forward. When she’s on her…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 33.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 32.

Our little girl, Cordelia, is a happy baby. She is seven months and seventeen pounds of burbling, cheery joy. This provides me with great satisfaction. Every little bit, every tiny…

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The Story About the Baby, Volume 31.

My little baby girl, Cordelia, continues to show more signs of intelligence. Example. Before, when I tried to feed solid food to her and she didn’t want to cooperate, I…

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The Story About the Baby, Volume 30.

Our one and only daughter, Cordelia, cherubic bearer of all my hopes and dreams here on this Earth, just turned seven months old. Her eyes are turning brown. She can…

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The Story About the Baby, Volume 29.

Our six month old daughter, Cordelia, is cruising happily through her infancy. She continues to be a smiling, fuzzy, little ball of pudge and, far and away, the cutest baby…

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The Story About the Baby, Volume 28.

My darling little daughter, Cordelia, has been back from vacation for one week. it’s been a really good parenting week for me. For starters, I have done nothing in the…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 28.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 27.

Halfway through my daughter Cordelia’s first year, I find I have very little to write about her. Because she is away. Thousands of miles away. Her mother has taken her…

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The Story About the Baby, Volume 26.

My baby Cordelia just turned six months old. Six months is a half a year. That’s a lot of time in baby-days. She is a completely different creature than she…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 26.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 25.

My baby daughter, Cordelia, is rounding out her sixth month of life with a series of small accomplishments. She can now sit up unassisted for several seconds at a time,…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 25.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 24.

Our mighty nation has just celebrated Independence Day, which, for this new parent, means one thing. I got to take my five month old daughter Cordelia and let her listen…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 24.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 23.

My daughter Cordelia, the cutest little pudge biscuit in the whole wide world, my little cutey wootie pootie bootie happy slappy hugger booger boo, is about five and a half…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 23.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 22.

Being the parent of the world’s cutest child is a difficult and sobering experience. (Yes, I’m afraid my child is cuter than your child. If you don’t believe me, check…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 22.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 21.

It has now been five months since my daughter Cordelia came out of my wife and into our hearts. She’s come a long way since her first fragile moments. She’s…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 21.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 20.

Our four-month-plus-a-little old girl, Cordelia, is a creature of wild mood swings. One week, she is a sleepless, finger gnawing little terror. The next, she is a little angel. Not…

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The Story About the Baby, Volume 19.

As I help raise my little four month old, Cordelia, I sometimes think wistfully back to the time when she wasn’t awful. Once, she was a quiet, happy, burbling baby,…

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The Story About the Baby, Volume 18.

Our little girl, Cordelia, is well into her fourth month, and I can fully see the reason to become a parent. If I hadn’t gotten a kid, the last four…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 18.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 17.

So what is that word for when everything is going great, and everyone is calm and happy and complacent, and suddenly, almost overnight, everything goes straight to hell and you…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 17.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 16.

My daughter, Cordelia Krizsan Vogel, is approaching the end of her fourth month in Her position as First Child in her family. Recently, I had to call her into the…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 16.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 15.

It has been an eventful week in the life of my 3.5 month old daughter, Cordelia Krizsan Vogel, a week of exploration, learning, and growth. Or so I was told….

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 15.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 14.

It’s been a relaxing week here at parenting central. Thanks to the presence of my parents, the raising of my three month old daughter Cordelia has gone smoothly and easily….

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 14.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 13.

Our darling little hand-suckin’ spud girl just ticked over into her fourth month. As I understand it, she is about to gain the ability to roll over. This means that,…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 13.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 12.

My darling little spud, Cordelia Vogel, rapidly approaches the end of her third month of life. As she is carried, inert and drooling, into her fifth trimester, I watch eagerly…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 12.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 11.

Our lovely daughter, Cordelia Krizsan Vogel, continues to grow and evolve. She seems to be in a growth spurt now. This means that, instead of sleeping 6 hours at night…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 11.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 10.

Our lovely little daughter Cordelia is sailing smoothly through her third month of life. Every day, it seems, her mother or I develop a new way to distract, pacify, or…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 10.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 9.

Spring is beginning to blossom, pollen is thick in the air, and the bright stillness of the morning is broken by the happy chirps of my daughter Cordelia. Now over…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 9.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 8.

It took extra time to write this week’s journal. It was composed while holding my 2 month old daughter Cordelia in my lap, and I had to write the whole…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 8.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 7.

Soon, our daughter Cordelia will be two months old. Another month. Another set of milestones. Soon, more weight to be brought to bear on daddy’s delicate back. Larger deposits of…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 7.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 6.

As of this writing, our darling daughter is 43 days old. We have come up with a number of nicknames for her. The most commonly used are Miss Prissypants, Daddy’s…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 6.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 5.

Now that my daughter Cordelia is a month old, it has become that much easier to delude myself into thinking that she is showing signs of alertness and humanity. Sometimes…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 5.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 4

As of this writing, our daughter Cordelia is 3.5 weeks old. On one hand, she is growing nicely, and she sleeps 5-6 uninterrupted hours every night. All to the good….

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The Story About the Baby, Volume 3.

The second week of our daughter’s life was a time of great learning and transition. In that time, my wife and I went from being tired and confused but loving…

Read More The Story About the Baby, Volume 3.

The Story About the Baby, Volume 2.

It has now been a week since my child, Cordelia Krizsan Vogel, was born. She is now the personification of infant charm and beauty. And her head doesn’t have that…

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The Story About the Baby, Volume 1.

And So It Came To Pass On the evening of January 18th, at around 8 PM, my first child, Cordelia Krizsan Vogel, entered the world. She came out of Mariann,…

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